Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How Time Flies!

My last post was the end of February.  Today is the first of June.  What happened to those three months between the two?  We did take a vacation to Arizona.  And a trip to Minnesota for a wedding.  We have had some interesting weather, including a freak spring snowstorm which left us without power and water for two days.  Since then we have had lots of rain, and the farmers haven't had much of an opportunity to get their crops planted.  People have been battling water in their basements.  Thankfully our sump pump has kept things under control for us.  Last week-end we celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday with lots of family here to help. 

Other than that, the days simply come and go.  The routine doesn't change much from day to day.  Bank job during the day, housework in the evenings, always looking for another opportunity to spend time with the grandkids.  Working with the local kids on Wednesday nights has come to an end for the summer, and in its place I find myself doing some singing. . .with my sister-in-law for the Memorial Day service and with a group of ladies in preparation for the Ecumenical Church Service at the fair later this month.

Tonight I took time to plant some petunias in the planters by the front door of my home.  Around town I see others doing the same.  Soon there will be bursts of color to brighten our yards.  Will I blink and another three months will fly by?  Where I live this kind of a blink would take me through summer and into the fall.  But I'm finding the weather patterns are simply not the same as they used to be, so instead of planning what will happen in the coming months, I best take one day at a time.  It seems to be the way God gives them to us.  As the song from "Fiddler on the Roof" says. . .

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

As I grow older, I'm finding both the happiness and the tears have a purpose in my life.  Romans 8:28 says, "For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God are called according to His purposes".  And so I simply strive to follow the advice of my Great Grandmother Christine. . ."Keep calm, take everything as it comes, work hard and stay close to God."  This was the advice she gave when interviewed at 100.  She lived to the age of 101.  It's not always the easiest advice to follow. . .but I try.  It's nice to know she's cheering me on!