Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Something's Missing!

Something's missing! It seems to be the theme at our house these days. It started with the Christmas picture which gets hung in our dining room each year. “May the blessings of the season shine upon this house”, it says, with a house quaintly set in a winter scene, complete with a sleigh. As the decorating got under way, it became evident the picture was up and missing. It finally surfaced. . .after we quit looking for it.

Next on the missing list was a checkbook. In searching, it is always best to look where you last remember using it. The last recollection led to a tote bag. A quick search came up unsuccessful, and only after further searching elsewhere and a second visit to the tote bag was the lost found.

As the days went by, more and more items were coming up missing. There was entirely too much “Christmas clutter”. It got to the point where I started making a list of all the “lost and found” items to write about. When there finally was a few spare minutes to write, guess what? The list was missing! For the most part, everything eventually turned up, with the exception of one.

Each year, on the planter next to our front steps, we put up a metal Nativity Scene. It caught my eye several years ago while shopping at Hobby Lobby, and Bert even constructed two handy wooden platforms to make setup easier. When it came time to retrieve the pieces from our garage this year, the characters found their places after a quick shower to wash the dust off.

Baby Jesus sits between Joseph and Mary, with a beautiful angel standing guard overhead. To the right of the Nativity family there are spots for three wise men to stand presenting their gifts. The only problem was, only two could be found. Over the course of the last couple of weeks, we've diligently searched the corners of the garage to no avail. Wise man #3 is no where to be found, and it is now Christmas Eve.

Actually, when you read the account of the Magi in Matthew 2 it doesn't really indicate there were three wise men. They are only referenced as a group, but because there were three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, tradition places three of them in most Nativity scenes.

As time went on and the wise man remained missing, a message resonated through his absence. When you think about it, there is an overwhelming lack of “wise men” in our world today. Rest assured, there are a lot of smart people, but good old common sense wisdom seems to be up and missing. The wisest thing the Magi did was seek after Jesus, the one born king of the Jews. They saw His star in the east and came ready to worship.

Make time this Christmas to join with the Magi in wisely seeking Jesus. While you're at it, join the angels in giving Glory to God in the highest and the shepherds in spreading the Word about the Baby who was born to one day die on the cross as our Savior. When the Christmas lights go out at the end of the day, take time, as Mary did, to treasure up all these things and ponder them in your heart.