Saturday, August 29, 2015

Back in the Saddle Again

This morning I crossed paths with a woman who has taught first grade for many years in our hometown.  It would be interesting to know how many lives she has touched, doing what she loves to do. . .teach.  She had retired, but a pressing need for more teachers brought her out of retirement.  As I asked how it felt to be back at it again, she replied it was good. 

Doing what one loves to do reminds me of a conversation we had with a pastor in his 70's.  He said he is often asked when he is going to retire.  His response was, "As far as I can see, pastors who retire end up looking for a place to preach shortly after doing so.  I've got a place to preach, so why retire?"

Banking was a part of my life for 32 years.  About 2 1/2 years ago it felt like time to end my career.  Life has been good, and I have enjoyed the freedom of not answering daily to a 9 to 4 job.  (I know, banker's hours!)  For the third summer I have enjoyed a little hobby garden.  Most days I find time to stop by my precious aunt's home.  She is also my godmother and, at 93, is my inspiration and hero in life.   Not having to work has given me the opportunity to sing with a group of people who provide music at our assisted living center and nursing home.  The freedom of being available when my daughter needs help with the grandkids is priceless.  Retired I am, but certainly not bored!

As I consider "doing what one loves to do" it reminds me I have been neglecting one of my loves. . .writing.  Our winter season in Bismarck with the ND Legislature is in the past, and the busy summer will soon come to an end.  Perhaps it is time to get "back in the saddle again". 

How about you?  Are you working or retired?  Are you doing what you love to do?  They say if you are doing what God created you to do, you will find joy in the task.  My husband often asks when I think he should retire.  My response usually comes in the form of a song. . ."We'll work 'til Jesus comes, we'll work 'til Jesus comes, we'll work 'til Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home".  The way things are unfolding these days, it may be sooner than we think!