Friday, December 11, 2015

Something's Missing

The Christmas holiday is definitely upon us, but repeatedly something has been missing.  As the first attempts were made at decorating, it was the Nativity sets.  Usually a huge part of our Christmas décor, they were all transported to be part of a community Nativity display which remained up for just over a week, beginning the day after Thanksgiving.  Without them, the spaces at home looked pretty bare.

In the course of helping set up the display, it was one of the Baby Jesus figurines which turned up missing.  One lady was going to be out of town, but brought a tote of Nativities to be displayed.  A thorough search of the packing confirmed it was indeed gone.  Can you find it in this picture?

For a bit of fun, we had sign up slips which listed the various contributors to the display and a challenge to find the collection with the missing Jesus.  At the end of the week, a name was selected to receive a prize, which was a book featuring six stories about Nativities.

Fast forward to the first week-end in December and our annual Christmas Concert presented by a unique choir made up of singers from two areas.  The Northwest Chorus is so named because it includes singers from several communities across the northwest corner of North Dakota.  The Southeast Chorus brings in talent from across the southeastern corner of Saskatchewan, just across the border to the north in Canada.  We perform two concerts, one in Estevan, Saskatchewan and one here in Crosby, North Dakota.

As a member of this special chorus, it is always exciting to scan the audience for special people in my life, but this year one such person was missing. . .my husband.  He was home sick with a bad cold and cough, which has been plaguing him ever since.  Not only was he missing from the concert, but his usual carefree and happy countenance has also been missing.  After hearing cough after cough, it also seems my patience level has disappeared, as I want him better. . .RIGHT NOW!

Having my husband home with a cold was a small matter, however, compared to the missing person from the bass section of our chorus.  Three days prior to the concert, John had a five bypass heart surgery.  As the director, (who happens to be his brother-in-law), updated us on his condition, things didn't sound good.  Just after we concluded our concert, we received word he had passed away.  John's funeral today was a testimony to the number of lives he touched, and having him missing from our community will leave a large hole.  Hopefully, each of us who knew and loved him will pick up a small piece of his "mantel" and make the world a little better because of how he touched our life.

Although it seems much is missing, there are some things which will never disappear.  God's love and presence in our lives is a constant which will never turn up missing.  A reminder of this was given in the pastor's message at the funeral, when he shared words from this passage in Romans 8:38-39.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
 nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What's missing in your life today?  Is it a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ?  No matter what your lot in life, knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior will fill all the missing places.  As we continue in the Christmas season, seek and find Him as the shepherds and wise men did.  Then do your part in spreading the good news!