Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It Ain't So Bad!

Today is my birthday.  It's a big one.  6-0!  I've known it was coming for quite some time now, and must admit the fun involved has been well worth the change to a new decade!  Several ladies from my church joined me for lunch at the Columbus CafĂ©, about a 30 minute drive to the east.  Another lady who attends our fellowship recently took over running the business, and we enjoyed our time together and some great food.

We arrived back in Crosby just in time for me to pick up my mother-in-law for our weekly "Music Makers" outing to the nursing home.  Although two of our regulars were unable to be there, the rest of us did our best to entertain the local residents.  Here's a sampling of our music!

Next on the agenda was a drive to Williston, which is about an hour south of us.  We met our daughter and her family at one of the Mexican restaurants and proceeded to wait for a large table to open.  It seemed to take forever, but it gave us some quality time with the grandkids who didn't complain about the wait.  (It was good thinking on their mother's part to give them a few snacks beforehand!)
Turns out it  was well worth the long wait.  Our granddaughter exclaimed, "This is really good food!  It's like a feast!!"  But the best part was the birthday cake which came later on, made and decorated by my daughter.  She remembered my favorite. . .white cake, with lemon filling and 7 minute frosting.  She found recipes on the Internet, not knowing I usually just open a can of lemon pie filling and make the frosting from a mix!  "You did good, Rebekah!"
Opening presents was filled with excitement. . .with a good percentage of it coming from the grandkids!  Grandpa had ordered a kit to make a bank for our Lego community, and they were sure we should start assembling it tonight. 

On the ride home, I thought back on the day and had to admit I was blessed.  And now the day ends with a prayer of thanksgiving to the One who has provided each and every one of the blessings.  Yes, being 60 is going to be just fine!