Saturday, October 29, 2016

God's Love Language

This morning as I headed down the street for my daily walk, there was a bit of a conversation going on in my head.  Most of it was negative "self talk".  [In retrospect, it was actually the voice of the enemy attempting to defeat me!]  What was the conversation?  "You're not a very effective Christian." "Your talents are not being utilized to their fullest.",  "You should be as devoted to spending time with the Lord as you are to walking."  

As I reached the gas station on Main Street, another voice chimed in, "But I love you anyway!"  Just then, my eyes were pulled to a pile of gravel on the sidewalk and I smiled.  With a stretch of imagination, a heart shaped verification of God's love was before me.  Even amidst the "dirt" of my life, He still loves me!

The building next to the gas station is an empty apartment building.  During a hail storm last June, the windows were broken, and they are still in need of repair.  It seems the owners are waiting for the replacement windows, but in the meantime the damaged windows stand waiting for their demise.  Glancing at the broken glass, I saw something I hadn't notice the many other times I had passed by. . .there among the brokenness was another heart shape.  "Yes, Diane, I really do love you.  Even when things in your life seem broken, I still love you!"  Can you find the heart?  [It's in the lower corner of the left pane!]
Often while walking, a heart shape will appear and I am reminded of God's love which is always surrounding us.  It seems if I'm trying to find one, they aren't around.  Other times, the reminders show up where I least expect them.  They might be in the form of a rock, a leaf or a cloud, such as the ones in these pictures, taken on other outings. 

Next time you are out and about, open your eyes to the beauty of God's world and don't be surprised if occasionally He leaves you a "love note"!