Thursday, November 24, 2016

Counting My Blessings

There is a song in our hymn book entitled "Count Your Blessings".  Many of you are probably familiar with the lyrics and tune.  The words of the chorus remind us to count our many blessings, naming them one by one to see what God has done.  Many people make November a month to thank God for a different thing each day.  In lieu of doing so, here is my attempt at catching up and counting 24 days of blessings. . . so much to be thankful for!

1.  God who loves me
2.  His Son, Jesus, who saved me
3.  The Holy Spirit who guides me
4.  A husband of 40+ years who has stuck with me through the ups and downs of life
5.  A daughter who is now a wonderful wife and mother to our 4 grandchildren
6.  A son who has been faithful to stick around "small town USA" to help his dad
7.  A son-in-law who couldn't be a better "fit" as a husband to our daughter and father to the grandchildren
8.  Grandson #1 - A tender heart, likes things "just so"
9.  Grandson #2 - A "free spirit" with a quick wit
10.  Granddaughter - A "girly girl" who can also tangle with the boys!
11.  Grandson #3 - An entertainer at heart!
12.  Parents who left this world far too soon, but gave me a wonderful start in life
13.  My two brothers and sister, along with their kids and grandkids.
14.  My husband's 5 brothers, 4 sisters and their kids and grandkids.
15.  A grandmother, aunts and uncles who helped shape me into who I am today.
16.  My hometown. . .small with big-hearted people
17.  Friends. . ."Make new friends, and keep the old. . .one is silver and the other gold!"
18.  A loving church family
19.  The gift of music and ability to share in multiple ways
20.  Technology which allows me to stay "connected" with so many and also gives me a platform to share what God is teaching me along the way
21.  A roof over my head and heat to keep me warm through the cold ND winters
22.  Cupboards that are never bare
23.  God's Word which is His love letter and manual of instructions for life
24.  The avenue of prayer as a means of communicating through faith with blessings #1, #2 & #3!

It would be possible to continue on, but it is soon time to start "counting sheep".  Feeling very blessed at the end of this Thanksgiving Day!