Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mixed Emotions

Today is a sad day, as we learn of the passing of a powerful man of God, Billy Graham.  At the age of 99, God has called him home, after a lifetime of pointing people to Jesus.  Only eternity will reveal how many lives were changed because of the influence of his life.

Today is also a day to rejoice because Billy Graham is now in the presence of Jesus.  He is free from the challenges this life gave him, and free from the evils which seem to prevail here on earth.  All of heaven is rejoicing over the arrival of a dear saint called home.

Lastly, today is a day to be challenged.  As a fellow believer, I am challenged to step up to the plate, and do a better job of reflecting Christ's love and forgiveness in my life, as Billy Graham did.  I am praying for a new level of boldness in sharing my faith.  It's time to wake up, church.  A hurting world needs what we have to offer!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Giving Hearts are Growing!

From last year, and brought forward to bring attention to the fact it is once again "Giving Hearts Day" in ND!  Take time to be one of this year's givers!! ❤️

It has become a tradition at our house to participate in the annual "Giving Hearts Day" in North Dakota.  Once a year, thanks to three foundations hosting the event, (Dakota Medical Foundation, Impact Foundation and Alex Stern Family Foundation) donations are matched dollar for dollar, and many charities get a real boost.

In the last three years, donations (and people's generosity) have consistently grown.  In 2016  there were 37,109 donations made to 326 charities and causes, raising $8.3 million.  Last year, the total grew to nearly 10.7 million, and so far this year the total is up to 12.8 million.  Perhaps by midnight we can boost it to 13 million? 

In the eleven year history of "Giving Hearts Day" $41 million dollars has been raised, benefiting nonprofit organizations and charities across North Dakota.  What a blessing to see so many people sharing, and at the same time so many wonderful causes reaping the benefits!

There are over 400 different benefactors listed as options. . .check them out at this website, and join the band of North Dakota "Giving Hearts."  The minimum donation is $10, and you can choose as many different charities as you like.

These were our picks for the year:

     Williston Trinity Christian School (our grandchildren's school!)
     Adult and Teen Challenge (for recovery from drug and alcohol)
     Anne Carlsen Center (help for handicapped children)
     Gateway to Science (fun "hands on" learning center)
     GiGi's Playhouse (Support for Down's Syndrome)
     First Choice Clinics (Pregnancy Support)
     Upper Missouri Ministries (Bible Camp)