Friday, March 16, 2018

The Process Continues!

There is one main reason to only tackle a major remodel project once every 40 years or so.  It's called keeping one's sanity!  Actually, things are moving along quite nicely.  The spaces are all now defined.  Half of the perfataping and texturing is completed.  And, as I type, I can hear the washing machine and dryer doing their work in my new dedicated laundry room.  For all the clutter and mess, life is good!

Yesterday, we spent the evening shuffling furniture and "stuff."  It had all been crammed into the new second bedroom, (created from two original, smaller bedrooms) while work was being completed in the expanded master bedroom, office space and sunroom.  To make way for round two of the texturing work, everything was moved into the master bedroom.  Next week, the workers will return to work on the now empty bedroom, and finish up the two bathrooms and laundry room.  This lines up nicely with our upcoming getaway to Arizona to visit Bert's uncle.

Soon, the office space I have used over the years will be dismantled, and my computer world will be reduced to the use of the iPad and iPhone for a time.  Since it will be awhile before the new space will be ready, it seemed only fitting to sit here one last time and blog.  Last night, I spent some time looking over the many encouraging words surrounding the computer desk, and realized it had been some time since I actually read them.  Still, they were always there handy, should I need a reminder of God's faithfulness in my life.


It has also been fun working our way through the layers of wallpaper, and removing the trim to reveal the original colors of the rooms.  It kind of made me think, "What were we thinking??" as I found the "lovely" striped wallpaper in the bathroom, and the very green color which was originally in the smallest bedroom.

The old school clock on the wall is certainly a reminder of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 which tells us there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.  Especially fitting for our current situation are the examples of "a time to break down, and a time to build up" in verse 3, and "a time to keep, and a time to cast away" from verse 6.
Throughout this crazy remodel time, it is good to look ahead to a time of completion, and the opportunity it will give to offer our home as a place of fellowship in our community.  Until then, we'll endure the process!