Saturday, August 25, 2018

Cake Collaborators

Once every three months, our church holds a potluck dinner following the Sunday morning service.  We call it our "anniversary and birthday potluck" since the purpose is to acknowledge those who have celebrated during the previous quarter.  Since every celebration should have a cake, it has become a tradition to have a decorated sheet cake on hand for dessert.

Over the years, my husband's aunt has long been known for her pretty cakes.  Then, several years ago, she suffered a stroke, which affected the left side of her body.  She is a fighter, however, and didn't let anything slow her down.  She found she could still do some of her cake decorating skills, but didn't like actually baking the cakes and applying the base frosting.  That's where I came into the picture. 

It was decided I would be in charge of baking the cakes, and applying the frosting.  Then, the two of us would put our heads together to come up with an idea to "dress it up."  It amazed me how easily she would pipe out the shell edgings, and she had a vast supply of silk flowers and leaves which could be added if we didn't want to make frosting ones.

When my kids were growing up, I dabbled in cake decorating each time a birthday rolled around.  I found it fun a couple times a year, but decided it wasn't something I would want to take on as a side business.  Now I find it fun to collaborate with my "cake sidekick" each time a potluck rolls around.

Tomorrow we were on the schedule to provide a cake, but this time my partner was unavailable to help.  Her sister was in town visiting, and she didn't want to take time out to work on a cake.  So it was, my project for the evening was decorating a cake.

What a blessing to have Pinterest to consult for ideas!  I found one with sunflowers, which I thought would be appropriate for this time of year.  Having to work with what I had on hand, the golden yellow sunflowers turned out more orange than I would have liked, but over all, I was pleased with the results. 
If you don't have your own church to attend tomorrow, and happen to be in Crosby, North Dakota, stop by the Assembly of God on Main Street and enjoy a piece!
"We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing. 
No, we need to keep on encouraging each other. 
This becomes more and more important as you see the Day [when Christ will return] getting closer." 
ERV (Easy to Read Version)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Back to Blogging!

Where, oh where, has the summer gone?  It has obviously escaped us without a single entry in my blog!  Perhaps it is time to get back into the swing of things!  So often throughout the "lazy days of summer" God would bring a thought to mind which said, "It would be good to blog about this!"  Yet, for some reason, it never happened. 

Today might be a good day to start again. . .but first I have to deliver some "Meals on Wheels".  After that, I need to pick up my great nephew (from my side of the family), who will be joining us as we take another nephew (from my husband's side of the family) out for supper.  This nephew has been working with my husband and son this week, and will be heading back to Minnesota tomorrow.

The great nephew will spend the evening at our house until later when his grandparents pick him up.  Meanwhile, the two of us will have a "Game Night".  I'm not sure who likes playing games more, but it always makes for an enjoyable time for both of us!

Perhaps TOMORROW will be a good day to get back to blogging!