Monday, October 29, 2018

The Old Oak Tree

For the majority of our nearly 43 years of marriage, my husband and I have lived in the home we currently reside in.  The only exceptions were five months in a basement apartment while I finished college in Williston, and another span of less than a year in an apartment in Crosby while our house was being built.  In addition, we also spent a short time "house sitting" for my husband's grandparents who spent time in the winter visiting their son in Seattle, Washington. 

The other day, as I walked past this house, memories entered my mind of our time spent there.  It was a cozy little house, with a large kitchen/dining room space, a living room, a den off the entryway, and bedrooms upstairs.  The main bathroom was upstairs, but there was also a small room by the front door with a stool and sink on the main level.  Under the stairs leading up to the second level was a cute little storage place, which had been a favorite play spot when the grandchildren were little.
The house has changed hands several times over the years, and several remodel jobs have made it into a different house than when we lived there.  One thing, however, still remains.  The old, oak tree.  They tell me my husband's grandfather planted the tree.  At the time it was one of the few oak trees in our community.  Today it stands tall in the corner of the yard overlooking one of the main roads going through the center of our town.

Earlier this fall, while out walking, I had noticed many of the acorns which had fallen from the tree, and picked up a few to add to my fall décor.  This salt and pepper shaker set actually came from a collection of a sister to the grandmother who lived in this house, so I thought it appropriate the squirrels could be part of the display.

I also did some research on starting an oak tree from an acorn, and now have a small plastic baggie in my refrigerator which contains some of the acorns in moist potting soil.  They are supposed to stay there for at least three months before the next step of the process.  How fun it would be, I thought, to start a new oak tree using an acorn harvested from the tree planted by my husband's grandfather!
On another walk this past week, I took note of the many oak leaves blanketing the ground in the area of the tree.  They have such a unique shape, and I even took a few home with the intent of doing a craft project with them.  As of now, they are still just reminding me of the old, oak tree and the dear man who planted it. 

Reminders. . .and precious memories.  One can never have too many!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Dream in the Night

Science tells us we dream when we are in our deepest sleep.  Apparently, I sleep deeply quite often, as there are very few nights without some kind of dreaming activity.  The Bible is filled with stories of dreamers, and the meanings God attached to the dreams.  An interesting website which documents the dreams in the Bible can be accessed by clicking on this link:

Another interesting reference to dreaming is found in the Old Testament book of Joel, which is also referenced by Peter in Acts.  It tells of a time coming in the last days of this earth as we know it:
"In the last days, God says,
I will pour out My Spirit on all people;
your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams."
Acts 2:17
(from Joel 2:28)
Although I am neither a young or old man, I do find it interesting to look back on my dreams and ponder any meaning God might have hidden in them.  Such was the case yesterday when I woke up from an interesting dream.
The setting of the dream was in a room which reminded me of the elementary school rooms I attended in Crosby, ND.  Yet, what was happening in the room was more reminiscent of my days in banking.  There was a computer system and large printer, and it seemed to be my assignment to get some important documents printed out.  In the dream were former co-workers of mine, and even the man who was my last boss. 
As I was frantically trying to get my printing done, there were constant interruptions by others who seemed to also need the printer.  None of them understood the fact there was a deadline by which my printing needed to be complete.  Adding to the difficulty was the fact the paper wasn't feeding through the printer properly when it was my turn to use it.
What could it all mean?  I suppose you could tie it to something I ate the day before, or a variety of my brain's memory banks being activated during the REM sleep.  But a simple prayer of, "What does it mean, Lord?" brought something different to mind.
It was as if God was telling me, in that still, small voice in my inner spirit, that there is indeed a deadline coming.  Scripture tells us there is coming a time when Jesus will call His people out of the chaos of the world, and when it happens there will be no "second chances."  Either you are a true follower of Jesus and will answer the call, or you will be of the group who is left behind. 
The interpretation of the dream also seemed to include the fact there was something I was supposed to be doing before the deadline arrives.  In fact, God has given each of us an assignment. . .something He has planted in us, which, if put into practice will bring Him glory and work to advance His Kingdom.  Unfortunately, there is an enemy at work trying desperately to distract us from getting the work done.
Since writing is one of the areas God has given me to promote His cause, the dream was a reminder to be more diligent about using my time wisely, and taking advantage of every opportunity He gives me.  Blogging is one of those avenues, and thus the reason for this post!
How about you?  What has God placed in your life which can be used to give Him glory and promote His Kingdom work?  If you're not sure, take some time to sit quietly before the Lord, delve into His Scriptures, and ask Him to point you in the right direction.  We have this assurance from God's Word: 
"Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
the one who seeks finds;
and to the one who knocks, 
the door will be opened."
~Matthew 7:7-8