Friday, March 1, 2019

Mystery of a Missing Tooth

Last weekend our daughter and her family came for a visit.  We were able to spend time with Grandma Ardis in the local Care Center.  Several years back the facility underwent a name change, and personally I feel "Care Center" sounds so much better than "Nursing Home."  Either way, we are thankful for the wonderful care she is receiving!  Part of the visit was spent showing her a very loose tooth in the mouth of Daniel, her 6 year old great grandson.

Daniel had a plan for the afternoon.  We were scheduled to attend the new Lego Movie at the Dakota Theatre in downtown Crosby, ND. Then afterwards he had his dad help him rig up a length of dental floss between his loose tooth and a dart for his nerf crossbow.

His older siblings had used a similar method on their loose teeth, and he was all smiles, ready to give it a try.  We videoed the process, and it was hilarious to watch and re-watch the video that showed his big smile turn to total shock, and then near panic until his mom quickly came with a washcloth to stop the bleeding!  Her reassuring words of, "You did it!" prevented any tears from flowing!

Then the search was on.  We easily found the dart, with dental floss still intact.  But the missing tooth was just that. . .MISSING!  We carefully searched in the direction of where the dart landed, but there was no tooth to be found.

Later in the evening, after they had returned home, his uncle watched the video in slow motion, trying to get a sense of which direction the tooth went.  Amazingly, we saw the tooth actually fly off in the opposite direction, so a new search was made, this time on the other end of the living room.  Unfortunately, we still were unable to find any evidence of the tooth.

We did notice our daughter's purse sitting on the floor in the area where the tooth appeared to fly, but a thorough search of the purse in the morning gave no solution to the mystery of the missing tooth.  All we knew for certain is it was no longer in Daniel's mouth!

Throughout the week, God brought my thoughts back to the missing tooth.  "Where do you suppose it is?" I would ask, and the only reply I sensed from God was, "I know where it is!"  Yes, He is fully aware of all things lost. . .including lost souls.  It may seem to us there are those who will never find their way to God, but He knows exactly where they are, and is orchestrating a path to bring them to a saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.  With each wrong turn made, God is a faithful GPS "recalculating" to find a new path to the final destination by His side.

Evidence of God's desire to find lost souls is found in 1 Timothy 2:3-4.  Just prior to this verse, Timothy reminded his readers they are to petition, pray, intercede and give thanks for all people.  He goes on to say,  
"This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 
 who wants all people to be saved
 and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

As for the missing tooth, will we ever find it?  Who knows!  We were informed the tooth fairy would receive a note explaining the situation, and just this morning we got word the second front tooth has now been removed. . .no nerf gun needed!