Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The "C" Word

A couple of months ago, the following blog was written, but not posted.  Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is a lot to process, and I felt at the time it would be better to simply share it with those immediately involved.  Since then, however, there have been additional families in our community who have faced similar news.  Because of this, I share my thoughts, along with a prayer for each one dealing with the "C" word.


There is a word none of us wants to hear associated with our life.  Some don't even like to say the word, and simply refer to it as the "c" word.  Unfortunately, it is a word which has been creeping its way into our lives over the past several months. 

First, a dear Legislative friend got the word he had a cancerous tumor.  He is currently undergoing a series of chemo treatments following surgery.  We pray for him daily, and have been encouraged by the fact he has been able to tolerate the treatments without any serious side effects.  For this, we thank our Lord, who has been with him on his journey with the "c" word.

This weekend we learned of another who will soon be headed to the Cancer Centers of America in Chicago for an evaluation following a scan which revealed multiple tumors.  This person is the picture of health.  She eats right, and walks more miles in a week than most people do in a year.  Still, when a nagging back ache prompted her to make an appointment at our clinic, the news she received was far from what she, or any of us, wanted to hear.  The "c" word had found its way into her life story.

This afternoon, as I was out walking, I found myself praying.  "Why, Lord?  Why her?"  I looked up in the sky and found blue sky surrounding a little gray cloud.

It was a picture of what was now hanging over her life.  Then I heard a little voice in my head asking where the sun was.  I could see it was hiding right behind the cloud.  "You see," God affirmed, "the sunshine isn't gone because of one little gray cloud."

As I continued my walk, I had to agree.  There was still much sunshine in her life. . .a loving family who is supporting her on this journey, a community who will surround her with prayer, and a Savior who will be with her every step of the way.  I found myself looking back at the gray cloud, and lo and behold the sun had already made its way out of hiding.

Yes, there is a dreaded "c" word.  But we have a bigger "C" word. . .CHRIST!  Along with our much more powerful "C" word come the following attributes:

CREATOR - CHRIST is the one who designed each of our lives, and already knows if and when we might have to face a diagnosis with the "c" word.

COMFORTOR - CHRIST is the one who is standing ready with words of "Don't worry!  I've got this!

CARING - CHRIST is the one who knows just what is needed each step of the journey, and will provide peace in the midst of the storm.

COMPANION - CHRIST is the one who will never let us walk alone.

COMPASSIONATE - CHRIST is the one who understands when the journey gets tough.

COMPLETE - CHRIST is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.  He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.  Ephesians 3:20-21 tell us this is true.  As the verses continue, "to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.  Amen"

We are a part of all generations, and live in a small space of time in forever and ever.  Yes, the "c" word is not to be dreaded, because we are more than CONQUERORS through CHRIST who loves us.  (Romans 8:37).  He has CARRIED our burdens to the CROSS, and we no longer need to bear them.  Best of all, He has given us the avenue of prayer to CRY OUT to Him when storms arise.  And even then, He is the voice that says, "Peace, Be Still."

"Peace Be Still" sung by Acappella


Community is also a "C" word.  My hometown of Crosby, along with all those in the surrounding areas of northwest North Dakota are an excellent example of what true community should be.  Last night we held a 2 mile walk in honor of the one for whom this blog was originally written.  In addition, a benefit meal and auction was held, and once again, as many times in the past, the people showed up in full force with financial resources to back their words of encouragement, caring, and concern.

It is difficult to process why so many are getting a "c" word diagnosis.  Could it be God is putting in place opportunities which will in turn give Him the chance to show forth His healing power?  We talk a lot about faith in our church circles.  Perhaps God wants to move us to a higher level of faith.  This brings to mind a passage in Mark 9, where a father has come to Jesus on behalf of his son, who struggled with convulsions.  Jesus tells the father, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."  The reply of the father is one I find myself praying often. . ."Lord, I believe;  help my unbelief!" 

Another prayer we can copy is that of the disciples, who in Luke 10:5 asked Jesus to "increase our faith."  It was after this Jesus told them all they needed was faith the size of a mustard seed, and miraculous things would take place.  My faith may not be up to the size of a mustard seed, but perhaps if we all combine our measure of faith, we can see God do what seems impossible. . .which includes eliminating the "c" word, and replacing it with the "v" word. . .VICTORY!