Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Details, Details!

Two weeks ago, our church once again packed shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child.  It has become a passion in my life to keep an eye out for bargains, and tuck them away for the next year's boxes.  Just this week, as my husband was hauling the boxes to the collection point in Minot, ND, I was shopping for groceries and happened to spy a variety of headband and hair elastic sets for only $1, with 8 & 12 pieces in each set.  Into my cart they went.  An extra $3 added to my grocery bill for the week is a small price, and the "items needed" list for packing next fall will be shorter.

Although many in our church help with supplying the necessary items each year, it has become my task to keep the project organized.  I have a document stored in my computer which keeps track of what is needed each year, and the assembly line setup comes second nature to me.  The joy I receive watching the kids carefully pack the items overcomes any amount of stress related to getting things ready.

The Sunday after our packing day, our pastor commended me for once again taking on the task.  He indicated it was the perfect assignment for me, because, having worked in a bank for 32+ years, I knew all about giving attention to details.  In banking, every penny needs to be accounted for, and in packing boxes, I want to make sure each box has the right combination of items before sending them off.

Hearing him say this helped me understand a lot about myself, and why it is I often find myself "organizing things".  It is part of the way God crafted my brain, and is one of the gifts He has given me to use as I journey through life.  It also reminded me of the fact we are all given a unique set of abilities which God wants us to use for His Kingdom work.

Over the last couple of weeks, my brother-in-law and nephew have been installing a new sound system at our church.  This certainly would NOT be in my list of capabilities, but I am so thankful they have been here when needed.  Some, like my husband, have a gift of leadership which transforms well into the role of church board member, while others work better behind the scenes praying or providing the finances to undertake projects.

In 1 Corinthians 12 we find a summarization of how God has handed out gifts to those who are a part of the "body of Christ".  I find myself drawn to verse 4-6:

There are different gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are different ministries, but the same Lord.
There are different ways of working,
but the same God works all things in all men.
Yes, God is working by His Spirit throughout all the earth.  What is your part?  The only way to find out is establishing a personal relationship with God through His son, Jesus Christ. He is revealed to us through the Words of the Bible, and through time spent in prayer.  Prayer is not always about talking to God, but also taking time to listen for His still, small voice as it guides you. 
The more you seek of God, the more you will understand which "part" of the body you are.  Once you discover your special gifts, put them to use for God's Kingdom work.  Just as a physical body with paralyzed parts is handicapped, so is the church if everyone isn't doing their part.  We long for Christ's return to earth, but sometimes I wonder if He isn't waiting for all the "body parts" to get into working order!  Time to shake off the apathy and get to work!!