Friday, December 6, 2019

A Sheep I Am!

Here we are, nearly a week into December, and it seems my efforts to "get into the Christmas season" are constantly met with distractions.  Today, as I was setting out some of my Christmas things, I came across a little devotion book I acquired, which is intended to be used during the month of December.  It is called "Messiah, Come Behold Him" and features a variety of Christian writers.  The theme of the book is highlighting the various names of Jesus throughout the Bible.

Since the readings are short, I took a few moments to read days 1-5 to catch up, which featured the names of Immanuel, Christ the Lord, Faithful Witness, Hope, and Holy.  Then I turned the page to find out the name for day 6, and discovered it was Shepherd.  How appropriate for a day when I am feeling a bit lost in my attempts to focus and prepare for this most precious season.

The first line was, "Sheep aren't smart."  Writer Max Lucado (one of my favorites!) went on to  explain how they tend to wander, have no natural defense, are helpless, and have no sense of direction.  They are in need of someone to protect and lead them.  Oh, yes, a sheep I am!  And so in need of my "Good Shepherd", especially during these hectic days leading up to Christmas.

So, instead of plowing into decorating mode, I took a few moments to ask my Shepherd what would be the best use of my time this morning.  The message I sensed was He wanted to remind me it's not all about "me" and to remember there are others who might need this message. [Thus the reason I am taking time to blog about it!]  He also alerted me when 11 o'clock rolled around, one of the better times to visit my mother-in-law at the Care Center. 

Yes, there were many other things I could have been doing. . .after all, there is still a tree to decorate, the Christmas Village hasn't been set out, and only a handful of my Nativities have come out of storage.  Yet, those few moments spent with Ardis, along with a few more with Aunt Peggy, reinforced the fact my Shepherd does know best what is needed in this crazy holiday world we are in.

Today, take the time to slow down and seek out the Shepherd so aptly described in Psalm 23.  Let Him lead you along some "green pastures" and to "still waters".  Take time to allow Him to "restore your soul" in the midst of your busyness.  Be thankful He left the splendor of heaven to come to earth as a tiny Baby so many years ago.  Remember this is the reason we celebrate.  The saying may seem old, but truly Jesus is the "Reason for the Season"!