Saturday, June 13, 2020

Love Where You Live

Crosby, North Dakota is the place of my birth.  The local hospital was run by Catholic Nuns at the time, and following a few days for my mother to recover from the birthing process, a farm about five miles west and south of the town was where the first ten years of my life took place.  At that time, my parents built a new house on a neighboring farm, which was home until college took me away to Grand Forks, North Dakota.  There was a move to Minnesota sandwiched in that summer, where my friend and I worked at a lake resort, a fun experience for only a very brief season.

It was during the next nine months my now husband became a serious part of my life, so much so that a diamond ring was added to my left hand during the Easter break, and a wedding was planned for the following December.  Plans to return to Grand Forks were changed, as a new plan developed.  After the wedding, we would live in Williston, North Dakota while I finished out my schooling taking a teller training course at the college there.  Then it was back to Crosby. . .home.

Often you will find me sharing how I love travelling to new places and seeing new things.  This, however, comes with one condition. . .I always want to come home to Crosby, North Dakota.  It is a good thing my husband feels the same way, which is why we built ourselves a home and stayed put over the 44+ years we have been married.  [Except, of course, for the four months every other year we have moved to Bismarck, North Dakota for the Legislative Sessions since 2015, when he was appointed to the North Dakota House of Representatives.  Even then, most week-ends we found ourselves on the four hour trek home to Crosby.]

The whole season of COVID-19 has given me lots of opportunity to walk the streets of Crosby.  While we see on our television and computer screens the images of protests, riots, and destruction happening across our nation, it is so nice to have a peaceful community to live in.  They say Crosby, ND is not on the way to anywhere, and you have to be going there in order to end up there.  Some have called it "the edge of nowhere", but I've never been more thankful to call it home.

After all, where else could you find yourself roaming peacefully around town at 10pm on a Saturday night capturing beautiful images such as these?  Hopefully, there are still a few other such places to retreat to, but for now I'm glad I am here!