Monday, March 15, 2021

The Question of the Day

How many times in the past week have you been asked, “Did you get your shot(s) yet?”  For me, it seems to be in the topic of discussion more times than not.  For those of you who have already decided and followed through with action, know that I respect your decision.  For many reasons, I am remaining on the “not yet” side of things.

Today I was given a video to watch from someone who is also cautiously waiting.  My intent to share the video was met with a notice it was against YouTube's terms of service.  At any rate, I have multiple allergies, compromised kidneys, and a liver that often needs help.  According to the doctor in the video, common adverse effects often attack both kidneys and liver.  

I have managed to survive a year without knowingly contracting the virus.  I try to do all I can to support the natural immune system God gave me.  I fully trust God has, according to Psalm 139:16 and Acts 17:26-27, a beginning and end date for my time here on earth.  Therefore, my answer to the question of the day is “No, I haven’t.  Please respect my choice.  Blessings to all on both sides of the fence!

[Since this post was written, my husband did contract COVID, and I lived in close proximity to him, caring for him for five days before he was eventually admitted to the hospital.  I was tested at that point and the results came back negative.  I experienced none of the symptoms he did, although the stress did put me into a bipolar depression, which lasted longer than normal.  My bipolar doctor suspected I perhaps did contract COVID, was asymptomatic, and it affected my bipolar.  The only way to know would be to check for antibodies, which I have not yet done.  Taking things one day at a time!]