Friday, December 31, 2021

End of Year/New Year Thoughts

On Christmas Eve I put out two wreaths of bird seed in our backyard.  The pole usually holds bird feeders, but they had long since been emptied.  It was time to treat the birds, and I expected them to quickly dig in.  To my surprise, several days went by with no sign of any birds taking advantage of the free food.

On the third day, I spotted one little bird hopping around under the wreaths, trying to find traces of birdseed in the snow.  If I could speak the language of the birds, I would say, “Look up, little bird!  What you need has been provided. . .you just need to look up!”

Come to think of it, we are so much like our little feathered friend.  We are busy, trying to find our own way, all the while ignoring our Heavenly Father’s voice telling us, “Look up, My child!  What you are searching for is right here in my perfect plan for your life.  You simply need to stop trying to figure things out on your own, and look up.  Seek My face, and My guidance in your life, and soon you will find an abundance of blessings right there waiting to be enjoyed!”

As I watch the birds out my kitchen window, they are good reminders I have a choice in life.  I can look up and keep my eyes on Jesus, or I can try do things in my own strength.  As we close out 2021 and turn the page to 2022, it is my desire to keep looking up!  How about you??