Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday Seeking Revisited - "The Chosen"

There is a load of blue jeans in the washing machine.  It needs to finish before the lights go out, so they can be moved to the dryer.  All day my mind has been processing a lesson God's Holy Spirit planted on my heart, so what better time than now to sit down at the computer and type away!

There was a period of years in my life, while I was employed as a bank teller, where I weekly shared "God Lessons" to first, a group of family and friends over email, and later through the "Notes" feature on  Facebook, eventually transitioning to this blog.

With retirement, I slacked off in writing, but eventually published a series of 52 of these writings in a book entitled "Teller Tales" in 2017.  In recent years, the writings have also been showing up in my "Facebook Memories".  With each re-read, I am challenged to start writing again.  Perhaps this will be the start. . .or at least the one for this particular Saturday!

Two hours of my day today were spent on the highway leading to and from the home of my daughter in Williston, ND.  She and her daughter joined me in a fun afternoon attending a production called "Nutcracker in a Nutshell" put on by one of the dance schools in the area.  Later, back at their home, we made our first attempt at making lefse without the assistance of more knowledgeable rollers and fryers.  It was a rewarding experience in more ways than one! (YUM!)

Many of my thoughts during the drive today seemed to revolve around the lives of Jesus followers.  Our local church has been sponsoring the showing of season one of the popular production called, "The Chosen" at our local theatre.  The episodes revolve around the lives of those Jesus chose to be His followers, using the Gospels recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible as the foundation.  The creators then came up with "back stories" beyond what God's Word reveals, to help us visualize what may have happened leading up to the encounters Jesus had with each of His eventual followers.

One thing became clear in my mind. . .each one who followed Jesus first had something to leave behind.  Peter, Andrew, James and John had to leave behind their fishing boats.  Matthew left his job as a tax collector.  Thomas was the one who struggled with doubts, and needed to put them in his past.  Mary Magdalene walked away from the demons that plagued her after Jesus set her free.  In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul put it this way:

   "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

As we continue to follow the story of those who Jesus picked as His followers in Bible times, my mind also goes fast forward to the year 2022.  Indeed, because of the work of those first followers of Jesus, His story has been handed down through the generations, eventually working its way through a family tree that found its way to me.  Each one along the way at some point made a decision to say "Yes" to Jesus and "No" to the things they no longer needed if they were going to commit fully to following Jesus.

Do you consider yourself a follower of Jesus?  Are there things you are hanging on to that could be left behind?  A careful study of the Scriptures will reveal what may need surrendering.  Finding a Bible believing church to attend will surround you with those who have already aligned themselves with Jesus, and they can be helpful in pointing you in the right direction.  For me, the answers to all questions in life are there if we simply focus our eyes on Jesus and His ways. 

***If you get the opportunity, download the free "Chosen App" and experience Jesus and His followers in a new light.  Seeing their choices just may inspire you to make some new ones, too!***