Wednesday, January 3, 2024


It has been over a year since my last blog entry.  Somehow I sense a need to start writing again!  The need was sparked by a question I read on a friend’s Facebook page about pondering what would be my “word of the year” for 2024.  

I was sitting in my sunroom as I read the post, and, surrounded by plants, the word that came to mind was “Grow”.  We should never stagnate, but constantly be learning new things and allowing God to produce beauty in and through our lives.  ðŸ˜Š

Two things are needed to make my plants grow:  water and sunshine.  In Ephesians it talks about “water of the Word”, so in order to make my life grow, one element needed is God’s Word.  Chuck Swindoll once described it this way:  “Just as clear, fresh water cleanses our bodies, God's written Word washes us clean deep down inside our souls. It purifies our thoughts, scrubs our motives, and cleans our conscience as we absorb it and obey its truths.”

And the sunshine?  I would prefer to think of it as “Sonshine”!  Jesus is the Son part of the Trinity, and it was He that gave up His place in heaven to come to earth and make a way for us to have eternal life. His willingness to face death on the cross was not the end, as the Father brought Him back to life on the third day!

Today I am thankful for the Son shining in my life, and for the Water of the Word that will help me grow throughout this new year of 2024!