Saturday, November 14, 2015

Reminders of a Fantastic Fall!

Last spring I dug up my tulip beds, fully intending to replant the bulbs in October.  We are now at mid-November and I finally got them back in the ground. . .on a rare "high 50's" day in November!  It was a good feeling to finally get the task finished, and in the process start a new tulip bed.  Spring will determine how successful my attempt at expanding will be!

It was amazing to be planting tulip bulbs in the midst of snap dragon plants still blooming.  About a month ago, when there were threats of frost, I cut in the remaining snap dragon blossoms and shared them around town in bouquets.  How amazing it was to find the plants still producing buds and blossoms!

Earlier this week there were other reminders of what a fantastic fall we have been enjoying:

Candy Corn Vine

Double Calibrachoa


In North Dakota the weather can often be unpredictable, but this year it has been a treat to enjoy "warmer than usual" instead of "colder than usual" for a change.  What about you?  How is the weatherman treating you? 

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