Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today, as I ventured down a side street in Bismarck, an unusual sign caught my attention in the boulevard.  It appeared to be homemade, with a message scrawled in freehand.  "BIG HOLE AHEAD" was the warning, and I was thankful to have been alerted so I could swerve and avoid what was indeed a big hole!

As I continued on, I found myself thinking, "Too bad life doesn't have big signs to warn us about impending disasters before we find ourselves stuck in the middle of them!"

Then it occurred to me. . . there may not be big signs, but God has given us His Word, which is full of warnings on what to avoid, as well as proper directions to steer us away from things which could be potentially harmful.  It even tells you how to get back on track once you've strayed.  Have you taken time to read it lately?

This year I have committed to reading through the Bible by following a program put out by Samaritan's Purse called "Prayer Point".  On a quarterly basis, a little guide is mailed out with suggested readings for each day, as well as areas to focus on in prayer.

The thing I appreciate about their Bible reading plan is it starts at seven different spots in the Bible, giving a wide variety of viewpoints throughout the week.  For example, this week I've read from Psalms on Sunday, Genesis Monday and today find myself in Judges.  Readings for the rest of the week will be found in the books of Job, Isaiah, Matthew and Romans.

Would you care to journey through the Bible with me?  Sign up today at https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/prayer-network/  for your own personal copy of Prayer Point.  Or simply dig right in and read as the Spirit leads . .there's something good for everyone!

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