Sunday, March 19, 2017

Angels Watching Over Me

We've gotten to know the road between Crosby and Bismarck quite well over the past two months.  For the most part, Bert does the driving, but today he was looking a little tired, so I volunteered to do the first leg of the journey.  It was a sunny day, with a few wispy clouds which reminded me of angel wings. As we left Crosby, I asked God to have His angels watch over us as we travelled.

For the most part, I am a loyal fan of the cruise control.  I like to set it for the speed limit and let the car keep track of how fast we move.  Today it worked out nicely for me, as the drive was smooth and uneventful.  Surprisingly, not once in the two hour drive to Minot did I have to pass someone, avoid wildlife, or slow down because someone jumped out of a side road in front of me.  There was actually very little traffic in our lane,  but lots on oncoming traffic in the other.

Meeting cars, pickups and trucks, it almost seemed as if I was the only one headed in the wrong direction!  But I knew better.  I knew the way to Bismarck.  Signs along the way assured me I was indeed going the right way, regardless of the fact most were choosing another direction.

At one point the whole scenario gave me a picture of our spiritual journey to heaven.  We know the way, provided long ago when Jesus died on the cross to make it possible.  God's Word is like the signs, showing the way and keeping us headed in the right direction.  At times, it does seem everyone else is going the opposite way, but faith assures us we have made the right choice.

At the midway point in Minot, a stop was made at our favorite gas station to pick up some refreshments and "take care of business".  Bert took over the driving and it was my turn to rest.  The highway provides a solid connection as we make our way toward Bismarck.  In my spiritual journey, I am blessed to have the Holy Spirit at my side, gently telling me, "This is the way, walk in it."  Fellow Christians also encourage me along the way, and prayer is the connection between where I am and my Heavenly Father as He waits for me at the end of my life travels.

Journey on, my friends!  Keep your eyes on the straight and narrow way!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

A House Divided

For two months now, we have been living between two places. . .our home in Crosby and our condo in Bismarck.  This is our second session of being involved with the North Dakota State Legislature, and it has been an exciting time, but also challenging.  Especially the living in two different places part.  Not exactly a "house divided", but if you think of the time invested in both places, we do have to "divide" our time between two "houses".

Today, as I was going through the refrigerator in Crosby, I realized one of the biggest challenges is keeping the proper food at each place.  As I searched through the shelves and drawers I found a number of moldy items which had to be thrown.  The same thing has happened several times in my Bismarck kitchen.  It doesn't pay to stock up on things when you aren't going to be there 100% of the time to eat them.

My thoughts turned to the fact we have two options as to who we are going to serve in this life. . .God or satan.  Satan's tactics are sneaky and often he will attempt to lure you with things which seem good, but ultimately are taking your eyes off of God.  Our two places of residence are four hours apart, so we always have an ample amount of time to decide which place will be receiving our attention.  Our decision to stay focused on God, on the other hand, is one we have to be aware of every minute of the day so satan doesn't distract us from what it is God wants to accomplish in and through us.

Jesus was once accused of being "out of His mind" by the teachers of the law.  They felt he was possessed by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, and this was how He was able to drive out demons.  This didn't make a bit of sense, and Jesus seized the opportunity to teach about "a house divided":

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
And if satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand.
His end is come.
-Mark 3:24-26

These verses are often quoted in connection with the atmosphere of our country, and lately the divisiveness has seemed to be ever increasing.  At first glance, the division might seem to be between Democrats and Republicans , the left against the right or even one race of people against another.  But there is a verse which reminds us the real battle isn't taking place on an earthly level.  The New Living Translation puts it this way:
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies,
but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world,
against mighty powers in this dark world, and
against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
-Ephesians 6:12
Ultimately, the decision comes down to who you are willing to align your life with.  Will you choose God's way and keep your eyes on Him, or will you allow the cohorts of the devil to divert your attention another direction?  No matter who you align yourself with, the true litmus test comes when you ask the question, "Does what I'm doing and do the decisions I am making line up with the truth of God's Word?  Anything else will result in a division which will not stand the test of time.  
The words of a hymn come to mind as a challenge:
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There's light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.