Monday, May 29, 2017


Our time in Bismarck for North Dakota's 65th Legislative Session is coming to an end.  While Bert concentrates on the last few bills at the Capitol, my job has been tidying up the condominium unit we have been staying in over the past four months.  Once again I find myself amazed at the intricate details God planted throughout our "home away from home" to make me feel, well, "at home"!

Today I took the time to snap a few pictures to document the many "reminders" scattered throughout the living space, and as I did so a song came to mind.  The song, "Find Us Faithful" begins with words found in the 12th chapter of Hebrews:

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
We must run the race not only for the prize

Yes, today I felt surrounded.  Everywhere I looked there were reminders of special people in my life. I felt like God wanted me to know they are cheering me on and encouraging me each step of every day, even though most of them are no longer a part of this earthly world.

A slice of rock with a deer painted on it, reminds me of my dad & the gold leaf is identical to one my mother brought back from Alaska.  Two very special people who gave me the best start in life!

 Lanterns, and a wreath with cups and saucers. . .pieces of my grandmothers world!

They tell me my grandfather was a cobbler who made shoes. . .did he use something like this??

Cardinals which bring my mother-in law to mind, and an eagle which makes me think of my

Afghans  reminiscent of the ones both my mother and grandmother made!

A butterfly. . .reminder of my dear aunt and godmother!

A turtle AND a football. . .both bring our son to mind!

Crocheted snowflakes similar to the ones made by both my grandmother and Bert's grandmother

Can you believe our landlady also collects Nativities?


Hummingbirds. . .more reminders of Aunt Mabel! 


Jim Shore lamp brings my sister to mind!


And one final reminder of the One who is with me always. . .can you make out what it says??

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