Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sneaky Sins

Housework has never been on my top ten list of favorite things to do.  It has always been one of those necessary obligations, usually neglected until some unknown force challenges me to take it on.  The German half of my gene pool keeps shouting, "Get it done!", while the Norwegian side is more laid back and whispers, "It will always wait!"

It's funny how my eyes and mind can be blind to the disorder (and dust!) for a long time, and then, all of a sudden, one day, I see it.  That's when the German in me gets busy.  It works best if I start some good, lively music playing, and often having a "to do" list with some goals helps.  But why can't I just have a regular routine, one which would consistently keep things clean and organized?  I've researched ideas, but it seems they never last.

This week, while I was having one of my "clean the shower while you're taking a shower" moments, [Check out the company Norwex and their "Bathroom Scrub Mitt" if you think this sounds strange!] I found myself hearing a bit of a spiritual lesson to go along with the cleaning. 

It had something to do with the way sins have a way of creeping into one's life, unnoticed until, one day, the reality of them hits you.  That's when you call on the Holy Spirit to do a complete cleaning in the deepest corners of your life, allowing God's grace and the love of Jesus to wash away the "dirt" accumulated. 

When defining the word, "sin," it is easy to think about what one would consider the BIG ones. . .murder, stealing, adultery.  But what about the sneaky ones?  Jerry Bridges wrote a book called, "Respectable Sins," with a subtitle of "Confronting the Sins We Tolerate."  Pulling from his list we find such things as unthankfulness, anxiety, frustration, discontentment, pride, selfishness, impatience, irritability, anger, judgmentalism, lack of self-control, envy, and jealousy.  Ouch!  That's quite the list, and not one of us is immune from the temptations it brings our way.

In God's eyes, sin is sin.  There are not degrees of it, nor does He tolerate one kind over the other.  In His eyes there is only one thing to do with sins. . .forgive them.  He looks for repentant hearts and already has made the sacrifice of His only Son to make atonement for them.  Our part is confession, and a willingness to make an effort to turn away and not repeat them.  Good thing for us, God is also a God of second chances. . .and third. . .and onward as high as you can count!

My project for the week?  Tackle some of the neglected housework, and while I'm at it, take a look at those sneaky sins and see if I can't do away with a few from the list.  It's an ongoing battle, for sure, but with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, who gently reminds me when I slip up, I can look forward to a cleaner inner house while working on the outer one!

Meanwhile, if you have any tips on a housekeeping schedule, please clue me in.  The German in me just might be willing to give it a try!


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