Thursday, May 10, 2018

Mother's Day Blues

It has been one of those "frumpy" kind of days, and I couldn't quite figure out why.  Part of the reason might be the sun isn't wanting to shine today, but as I contemplated the possible reasons, I settled on the fact I once again have come down with a bad case of the "Mother's Day Blues".

About this time of year, everyone starts posting pictures of their mom, along with memories they have shared.  Today on my Facebook page, the memory which popped up was a picture of me with my mom, grandma, and daughter, likely taken on a Mother's Day in years gone by.  Memories are wonderful, but having them with you in person is an extra sweet blessing.

The little girl in the picture grew up, got married, and now is a mom to four wonderful children who call me grandma.  Hopefully we will be able to spend a little bit of time with them on Sunday, although most of the day will be spend in the car on our return from South Dakota where we are celebrating the college graduation of our nephew.

At the age of 68, my mom passed away from a brain aneurysm. I was 35 at the time.  Grandma lived five years longer, and made it to the age of 100, and was blessed with a clear mind until the end.  Lots of years have passed since then, but I still feel their presence with me, especially on days like today.

Come to think of it, I just might whip together a batch of "Della Bars" as my friend, Charlene calls them.  They are a yummy concoction of graham cracker crumbs, miniature marshmallows, and nuts with a butterscotch/peanut butter frosting.  My mom used to send them to us when we spent our first semester of college together at UND in Grand Forks. 

"Thanks for the recipe, Mom!  Give Grandma a hug, and imagine me there with you!  Looking forward to the day you will both welcome me to my eternal home!"

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