Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"To Tell the Truth"

It has gotten to the point where I really don't care to watch any news on television.  There is always someone claiming something another person denies. . .and who are we to believe?  Today, as I was doing my Bible reading for the day, I came across a passage in 2 Chronicles 6 which made me stop and think.  It is part of a prayer made by Solomon, known to be the wisest man who ever lived.

Forgive, and deal with each man according to all he does,
since You know his heart
(for you alone know the hearts of men)
2 Chronicles 6:30b
So, there you have it.  Unless we have been a direct witness to a case in question, there is no way of determining "truth" simply by basing our assumption on what is being said.  Because behind every person's outward appearance and speech is a heart that only God sees.
Where does this leave us?  How and when will truth prevail?  The answer seemed to come as I continued my reading and came across another verse in 2 Chronicles 7:
If My people, who are called by My name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
It seems my duty as a Christian comes not in proclaiming I know who is telling the truth.  No, my duty is to humble myself and pray, to seek God, and turn from wickedness.  In order to determine what is wicked in God's sight, I need to continually be reading His Word, which sheds light on every form of evil.  It sure would be nice if all those who are called by God's name would do the same.  The forgiveness is waiting. . .and so is the healing of our land. . .made possible by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the One who is the only WAY, the ultimate TRUTH, and the everlasting LIFE!

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