Thursday, January 10, 2019

Reading for a Purpose

In 2017 a group of us ventured through the Bible together using a reading plan featured in "Prayer Point" which is a little quarterly booklet put out by Samaritan's Purse.  It is not one of the plans which starts in Genesis and reads straight through from the beginning to the end.  Instead, it starts each day of the week in a different portion of the Bible, so you get a mix of Old and New Testament readings throughout the week.

For example, this week I have read from Psalms on Sunday, Genesis on Monday, Joshua on Tuesday, Job on Wednesday, and Isaiah today.  Tomorrow will be from Matthew, and Saturday from Romans.  The daily assignments are usually 2-5 chapters long, and occasionally up to 7.

Several have indicated they are going to join me through another year of reading through the Bible.  If you don't see my weekly posts of reading assignments, and would like to join us, let me know.  If you are on Facebook, I can add you to our group.  If not, I can feature the reading assignments here on my blog, too.

How can we learn to hear His voice, if we don't immerse ourselves in what His Word sounds like?  And for those who might say, "I don't have time for that," how much time do you invest in things like social media?  We make time for what we feel is important!  Even if you don't want to follow this Bible reading plan, find one that works for you and include it in your daily schedule!  Your life will be blessed because of it!

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