Saturday, November 13, 2021

Peter's "To Do" List

It seems if there are many things to get done, one of the best ways to tackle them is to prepare a "to do" list.  In my own life, I often find myself jotting down a list of things I hope to accomplish the next day before retiring for the night.  It somehow gives me great satisfaction to mark each item off with a check mark, or even draw a line through to show completion.  Better yet, once all items are complete, is crumbling up the piece of paper and tossing it in the garbage!

This evening, as I was reading from 1 Peter, I came across a "to do" list he left for us to follow.  When writing this epistle, Peter commented in verse 7 of chapter 5, "The end of all things is near."  If it was near back then, how much nearer is it today?  If you are a scholar of the Bible, you will agree there are many things happening in our world which point to the return of Christ.  Yet, God's timing is so different from ours, and a day to him is like a thousand of ours.  My Aunt Mabel, who passed away four years ago, would often comment on how they felt Christ's return was at hand some 90 years prior  The point is we are closer now than we have ever been!

Exactly what was on his list back then?  Lets continue on through verse 11 of chapter 7, and make a list:

1.  Be clear minded

2.  Be self-controlled

3.  Pray

4.  Love each other deeply

5.  Offer hospitality to one another

6.  Don't grumble!

7.  Use your gifts to serve others

8.  Faithfully administer God's grace

9.  When you speak, do so as if you are speaking the words of God

10.  Serve with God's strength, so He can be praised through Jesus Christ

Quite the list, isn't it?  How did you do while reading through it?  Were you able to cross off each of the items, or are there some you need to work on?  There are days I do pretty good, and others where I need to be reminded over and over to "stick to the list"!  It might be wise to keep a copy of this list handy throughout your days.  Ask God to help you by His Holy Spirit to follow through with each of the items.  The more we include this list in our every day behavior, the easier it will become. . .and the better off we all will be!


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