Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Taking the Wrong Road

Living in a new community is interesting, and sometimes challenging.  Although we have had family living in Bismarck for a long time and have doctored here for years, there is something about actually taking up residence which has its own style of adventure.

Take today, for instance.  The Republican Legislative Spouses group met at the Heritage Center for their weekly gathering.  What a wonderful collection of artifacts from North Dakota.  If you are ever visiting, be sure to put it on your list of places to explore.  Since it is located next to the Capitol building, there was no problem getting there.  Afterwards I had a bit of shopping to do, and had no problem navigating the drive to the mall.

Leaving the mall, however, I needed to map in my mind how to get across town to the credit union to deposit some of the money I had received for dues at the meeting.  [Yes, my banking blood came in handy when the treasurer broke a bone in her foot and needed a replacement!]  The plan was to make my way over to to "Washington" and from there head across to "Divide" which would lead me to where the credit union is located.

It was then I made one small error.  I opted to take "Main" to get to "Washington", only to discover it doesn't connect with the street, but rather is one which passes over it.  At this point, I felt I needed to get turned around and back to "Washington".  But how?  I could see the Interstate ahead, and knew I needed to turn prior to reaching it, so turned at a stoplight.  I was delighted to find myself on a road weaving along the edge of the Missouri River.

While it was a beautiful drive, there were unfortunately no roads leading off in the direction I felt I needed to go.  Finally, after thinking I had ventured much to far, I came to a street name I recognized. "Burnt Boat Drive" was a welcome sight, as it was one I remembered seeing on a previous visit to the credit union.  As it turned out, it led directly to the credit union, and I had stumbled upon a short cut with very few traffic lights. . .or perhaps a better position would be to say God led me through uncharted territory to bring me where I needed to be.

Tomorrow morning some of the Legislative spouses are beginning a Bible Study on the life of Moses.  As I thought about it tonight, this is exactly what happened in his life.  His story had many unexpected twists and turns before he finally came forth to lead God's people out of Egypt.  It makes me wonder how many times I have judged someone for their seemingly "wrong choices" when in fact it may be something God has allowed in their path to prepare them for great things in the future.  [Did you remember the part where Moses actually murdered someone?]

As it turned out, my wrong street choices taught me more than one lesson today!  First, there is a nice little river drive I can take if I ever need to get from the mall to the credit union. And second, never question the path someone might be on.  God knows better than we do the proper routes to take, and even the best way to get us back on track if we stray.

"Send me Your light and Your faithful care,
let them lead me;
let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
To the place where You dwell."
Psalm 43:3

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Reflections on Week One

Looking back on our first week in Bismarck for the 2015 Legislative Session, there are several words which come to mind.  Interesting, exciting and fascinating are a few words on my list, and when asking Bert he used the words educational and invigorating.  He also commented on the people.  So many new names, faces and personalities to figure out.  What amazed me was finding out how "down to earth" the majority of them were.  Yes, we live in a great state and have a wonderful bunch of people in leadership!

It was especially comforting to find out each session is started with a prayer asking God's guidance and direction.  There is an optional Prayer Breakfast every Wednesday morning, to which this week twenty of the legislators chose to attend.  The opening session in which our governor gave his "State of the State" address, included both an invocation and benediction given by the National Guard Chaplain, as well as a musical selection called, "I Can Tell the World", sung by a local high school chorale group.

The words of the song very clearly told the basis for our blessings. . .a Lord who meets our needs and gives joy to our soul.  Refreshing might be added to my list of words!  If you would like to hear the song performed by the University of Utah Singers, you can follow this link:

Naturally, I took a lot of pictures.  There are perhaps too many to share on one blog, but I wanted to include a few which captured Representative Bert Anderson during his first few days.  He admits he has much to learn, but something tells me it's going to be a fun experience for both of us!

Checking over some documents

Sharing with a fellow legislator from our district

Enjoying a good laugh
A "sweet spot" smile
The men to Bert's right are the Senator and the other Representative from our district.

Wherever we went, Bert used the "gift of gab" he inherited from his father.
Whether he was talking to a parking lot attendant or, as he was here, one
of the ND Supreme Court Justices, he found value in what they had to say.
He even stopped to try help a fellow legislator whose drawer was stuck!
Suit and tie. . .a new look for this carpenter.
An appropriate prayer graces the top of the dresser on our "home away from home".  We are making it our continued prayer as we head into Week #2!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Different Direction

When New Years Eve rolls around, what memories surface in your life?  Time for a party?  Gathering with friends and family?  Resolutions to make, only to soon be broken?  To me, New Years brings about a longing to be with special people doing fun things.  This dates back to my high school years when New Years Eve meant gathering at someone's home for an evening of fellowship, game playing, and sharing in the countdown to midnight.  There was always plenty to eat, and Dr. Pepper would satisfy my thirst.

After marriage and moving from my Lutheran heritage into the Assembly of God church, a "new to me" tradition became a part of our lives.  It was called the "Watch Night Service".  There might be a special speaker or perhaps a film was shown.  [Movies were taboo, but a film was acceptable! : ) ]  There was always a break in the activities to allow time for food and fellowship, with the countdown to midnight focused on devoting your life more fully to the Lord.

Over time, this tradition gave way to gathering in homes for times of fellowship.  The last several years, however, the night has been rather uneventful in our world.  A quiet night at home, with maybe a movie to watch or simply "watching the ball drop" on TV.  This year, I was determined to host a gathering of friends, but somehow things went in a different direction.

Tuesday morning I received a phone call from my daughter.  Her four children had been taking turns being sick over the past month and it finally caught up with Mommy.  Was there any way I could take them for a day so she could rest?  As a mother and grandmother, my only reply was, "Of course I can!"  Daddy would take off with the kids at the same time I left our house, and we would meet at the halfway point for the exchange.  We enjoyed a busy day and a half with them before their parents came to retrieve them, arriving in time to share an evening meal together before heading home.

Looking back, I was thankful I hadn't made any definite plans to have friends over for New Years Eve.  Besides being available for the grandchildren, I also had a husband who was still dealing with a cough and cold which had moved into his sinuses.  Somehow, I do believe God knew we would need a quiet evening at home to end the year.

Today, I started the year by reading from Sarah Young's devotional, "Jesus Calling", which I received as a Christmas gift from a dear friend.  The book is written as if Jesus is talking to you, and today He assured me He has a plan for my life.  One of the Scripture references was Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
It is reassuring to know God has a plan.  When the plan turns out to be different than the one I had in mind, it's nice to know He is seeing a bigger picture and therefore can give better direction. 
How many times throughout the Bible were people's plans changed because God had a different direction for them to pursue?  Think about Joseph, whose home had just been visited by fascinating and wise men from a far off country.  He likely was thinking about the next carpentry project he needed to tackle when, out of the blue, he's headed off to Egypt with the child, Jesus and His mother, Mary.
The other reminder given in the "Jesus Calling" devotional has to do with maintaining a teachable spirit, one eager to be changed.  "Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year", it says.  The verse referenced is Romans 12:2.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--
His good, pleasing and perfect will."
What does 2015 have in store?  For us, it will be filled with changes as we venture off into the world of North Dakota state politics.  Somehow, it is part of the Lord's plan, and knowing so makes the change easier to face.  Transforming and renewing are waiting in the wings.  "Lord, help me start the year with a teachable spirit!"