Friday, May 8, 2015

The Broken Shells

Earlier this week my friend sent me a link through Facebook telling about a writing contest being sponsored by a radio station.  She encouraged me to enter, and so it was I found myself scrolling through some of the writings I've done in the past.  Since the theme of the writing was to be "grace", one entitled "The Broken Shells" caught my attention.

The writing fit the theme requirement, but wasn't quite long enough.  With a little expanding on the original writing, the word count was up to the necessary length and my submission was made.  According to the rules, the original group of winners would be determined by popular vote on an online posting, with the finalists being judged by a qualified panel of judges.  Winners will receive time with an acquisition editor from Bethany House/Baker Publishing Group.

It has always been my desire to have some of my writings published, and yet the countless options out there overwhelm my brain.  Could this be a way God will use to help me out in the process?  Only He knows and it is in His hands I place the outcome!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Should you like to be a part of the voting process, simply follow this link to read and vote for my contest submission:

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