Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Smell of Fellowship!

A wonderful smell is beginning to fill the air spaces of our home.  It is a smell I have enjoyed many times over the past thirty or so years.  I'm not sure exactly when I inherited the recipe, but it was given to me by my oldest sister-in-law after she served them to us on one of our many visits to her home in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

The original recipe card is tattered, discolored and torn on one of the corners.  It certainly reflects on the number of times it has been used, although, to be truthful, I can whip up a batch of these delightful treats without even taking out the recipe card.  Over the years I also started using a larger size pan, so have a second sheet with the expanded ingredient list when needed.

What is this delicacy, you may ask?  The original card reads, "Recipe for Brownies".  Over the years, however, we have expanded the name to "World Famous Brownies", as they have made their way across the seas to Germany when my brother-in-law was in the army and.  A request for the recipe also once came from Brazil, so the flavor has reached three continents!

Because we don't need to be tempted by the calories, the recipe is seldom used unless there is a special occasion for which to serve them.  Today they are on hand for the fellowship time following tomorrow evening's "Singspiration" service at our church.  The idea for this Ecumenical gathering began years ago among the ministerial organization in our community.  Any month which had five Sundays was designated reason to have another, with the churches taking turns hosting and providing a light lunch for fellowship.  Over the years, as pastors came and went, there came a time when the tradition slipped through the cracks.

After reminiscing about how enjoyable the services once were, and discussing the prospect with two of the current pastors, a decision was made to revive the custom starting with the fifth Sunday in January of 2016.  The Music Makers group who provides weekly entertainment at the local nursing home, consented to provide the accompaniment and our church volunteered to host the event.  On the agenda is singing many of the "good old hymns" of the church, as well as taking time to hear the talents of several local musicians as they share special numbers.

If you happen to be in the area of Crosby, North Dakota tomorrow evening, take time to stop in at the Assembly of God church on Main Street and enjoy the music with us.  The event starts at 7:00pm.  An added bonus will be a free sampling of the "World Famous Brownies"!  In case you don't make it, here's the recipe if you'd like to try them for yourself.  Options for both pan sizes are included.


For traditional jelly roll pan: * For baker's half sheet pan:

(10 ½ X 15 ½ inches) * (13.25 X 18.625 inches)                      

1 Cup Sugar * 1 ½ Cup Sugar

½ Cup butter * ¾ Cup butter

Cream together and add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

4 Eggs * 6 Eggs


16 oz Can Hershey's Choc. Syrup * 24 oz bottle Hershey's Choc. Syrup

1 tsp. Vanilla * 1 ½ tsp. Vanilla

Mix until blended.


1 Cup flour * 1 ½ Cups flour

1/8 tsp. Salt * Scant ¼ tsp. Salt

Mix well then pour into a greased and floured pan and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees. (About 5 minutes longer for the larger size pan.)


1 ½ cups sugar * 2 ¼ cups sugar

6 T. milk * ½ cup + 1 T. milk

6 T. butter * ½ cup + 1 T. butter

1 ½ T. white corn syrup * 2 T. white corn syrup

Bring to a full boil over medium heat. Boil ½ minute or so, then removed from heat.


¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips * 1 1/8 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 tsp. Vanilla * 1 ½ tsp. Vanilla

Beat until all chips are melted and frosting begins to thicken. Pour on cooled brownies.  Be sure to save just a bit of the frosting to enjoy spread on saltine crackers, something my mom used to do for us as an added treat!

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