Monday, February 1, 2016

February Facebook Fast

It began with our daughter declaring she was going off Facebook for the month.  This is something she does periodically and swears it is a very healthy thing to do.  Following her example, our son also decided to say no to social media for the month of February.  And so it is I decided to join them in saying good-bye to Facebook for a month.  At least it is a short month, so hopefully I can survive!

After day one, however, I must admit it has been rather freeing.  More housework was accomplished than has been done in a long time.  The dishes were actually washed and put away and I had a nice visit with my mother-in-law this evening while Bert was at the City Council meeting. 

Back home I did take some time to check my email and clear out some of the many unnecessary items in my inbox.  In the course of doing so, I came across a devotional called, "Jesus Needed Rest and So Do You".  It focused on the story from Mark 4:35-40 where Jesus is found sleeping in the boat.  The three points emphasized were taking time for connecting with God, taking time for connecting with others and taking time for yourself. 

My prayer for this time of "Facebook Fasting" includes doing a bit more of all three.  Although I will be disconnected with others by way of Facebook, I hope to connect more in person or in "old fashioned" ways like writing actual letters to people.

The other avenue of connection I hope to expand on is my blogging.  Over the past several months I have been jotting done ideas as God gives them to me, but Facebook time always managed to take away the time I should have used to blog. 

And so here we are at the end of day one. . .

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