Monday, February 15, 2016

All in a Day!

The clock radio was set to go off extra early this morning.  Our daughter and her children were coming for the day since they had no school (Presidents Day).  I wanted to put a roast in the crock pot so the preparation for our noon meal would be out of the way.  Once the potatoes and carrots were peeled and sliced into the bottom of the crock pot, the roast went on top and I went back to bed, resetting the alarm to go off at 8:00am so there would be time to get to the morning "Women on Weights" session at 9:00am.

Preferring not to be awakened by an "alarming" noise, the knob was moved to the "music" setting.  This way the sound of the radio playing would awaken me.  Or such was the plan.  Apparently, after being up to get the meal ready, I went into a deep sleep.  When I finally did hear the music from the radio, the time on the clock was 9:10am.  So much for "Women on Weights"!  Instead I chose to use one of the elliptical machines for my morning exercise.

While waiting for the grandkids to arrive, there was frosting to make.  Today is my sister-in-law's birthday and I had committed to providing a cake.  Doing the baking yesterday, I whipped up the buttercream icing and was just spreading it on the heart shaped cake when my little helpers arrived.  I recruited my granddaughter to help with the decorating and was quite pleased with the final result.
It seems when the grandkids come to visit, there is never enough time to do all the things we'd like, but we managed to squeeze a lot into the day.  Since the weather was ideal, we paid a visit to the playground at our elementary school.  It was the first time they had been there, and they were excited to check out the various equipment.  


It was fun to see them playing on the same monkey bars I played on as a child, and which also entertained their mother when she was growing up.


The snow was a perfect consistency for making a snowman and besides leaving one at the school playground, they also made one in our backyard and another at great grandma's house, where an assortment of relatives had gathered to celebrate the birthday.

The minutes were ticking away, but we squeezed in a short visit with Aunt Mabel prior to returning to our house.  It had started snowing lightly, and our daughter felt they needed to be leaving soon, but Faith was insistent she wanted to have a quick sewing lesson.  The last time they had visited she left me a note, indicating her desire to learn:

Knowing there wasn't much time, I did a quick search through my fabric remnants and found a piece of yellow fleece.  Folded in half, it would make a perfect small pillow with very little effort, giving Faith a chance to experience her first sewing project.  She listened so carefully when I explained how to thread the machine and add the bobbin.  Although I helped guide her, she excitedly stitched around the edges making a case to fill with stuffing (her favorite part!)  Since the material was plain, she decided to add some decorations with markers.  Can you tell she was quite pleased with the results?

Once they were on the road, we were back to Grandma Ardis' house for supper with Bert's four sisters and two of his brothers in attendance.  It seems food, family and fellowship always seem to go together in the Anderson clan.

From there it was back home to bake two batches of brownies for a political event we will be attending tomorrow.  The last batch is in the oven, and soon I will call it a day.  You will find the following recorded in God's Word:

"All the days planned for me
were written in Your [God's] book
before one of them came to be."
~Psalm 139:16
It certainly was a busy one He planned for today. . .and I enjoyed each part of it!  I'm so thankful I can end the day, as David did, saying:
"I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
~Psalm 3:5


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