Saturday, February 6, 2016

Forgetful or Faithful

For two days in a row I've forgotten to go to things which were on my schedule for three o'clock in the afternoon.  Yesterday my excuse was being busy baking cakes for an fundraising event.  The assignment was two lemon Bundt cakes.  I ended up making three when the first one didn't properly come out of the pan.  At least I was able to sample it, since it was a new recipe, and now we have a cake to eat, too!  But the massage I was supposed to enjoy instead got cancelled when I didn't show up on time.

Today I have no excuse.  I've known about the bridal shower for two weeks.  The present was purchased and sitting on my corner china cupboard waiting to be placed in a gift bag.  Just last night I told my husband, "Don't let me forget to go to the bridal shower tomorrow".  As it turned out, he forgot to remind me not to forget, and I arrived at the church just in time for the end of the shower.

Some might call it being scatterbrained or perhaps clutter-brained would be a better word.  What was distracting me from attending the shower was the clutter in my home.  My mind was occupied with getting to the bottom of the "piles" which have been taking up residence on our table for several weeks now.  Digging through the mess, I came across several letters which needed writing, so at least something was accomplished with my time.  But it really would have been more special being at the shower.  Interestingly, both missed events were marked on my calendar. . .I just forgot to look at it!

In the midst of my regrets, I find myself thankful for a God who never forgets.  His love is constant and He never gets distracted by the craziness of the world.  He has promised to be with us always, and better yet, according to Hebrews  10:23, "He who promised is faithful".  Faithful, even when I'm forgetful.  That's a good thought on days like today. . .and yesterday!

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