Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Politics As Usual. . .or Another Way

Has anyone noticed it is a Presidential election year?  With the election still about nine months away, it seems there is no end to the bombardment of political jargon.  Thinking about the principles our country was founded on and comparing them to the focus of the current candidates makes my head spin.  Could it be there is another way of doing things besides "politics as usual"? 

Our local newspaper has a weekly column called "Pastor's Corner" in which our community's clergy take turns sharing their thoughts.  The article in last week's paper really spoke to my heart, and I'd like to share it with you here.  It reminds me there is another way. . .a better way. . .God's way!  Thank you, Pastor Zach, for nudging us to search for a fresh approach to sharing the freedom we enjoy having been blessed to live in these United States of America!

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