Sunday, March 13, 2016

Yes, Sir, Yes Sir!

THREE BAGS FULL!  And we're not talking about wool here, as in the old English nursery rhyme.  No, sir, this time we are talking about garbage.  Road side litter.  Discarded trash.  Things which never should have been left behind by the litterbugs.  Sadly, as the winter snow disappears, the litter makes its appearance.  This year we had very little snow to start with, so it didn't take many warm days to bring it to light. 

It has become part of my routine to include an outdoor walk on days the weather is cooperative.  Although my route varies from time to time, I've come to enjoy some of the newer walking paths in our community.  Seeing the amount of litter along my ventures inspired me to bring along a plastic grocery bag on my walk last Friday.  Sadly, it was only half way through my walk when the bag was filled for the first time.  Finding a dumpster nearby, I emptied the garbage and continue on my way.

It wasn't long before the bag was once again full, and along the way I also found another plastic bag which also filled before my journey was completed.  Finding a second dumpster, I decided to unload both bags and call it good for the day.

It seemed there was a definite pattern to the types of garbage collected.  At the top of the list would be beer bottles and cans, followed by pop cans, water bottles and cigarette cases.  What is it that possesses someone to throw their garbage along the roadside?  I often find myself asking the question, "Didn't their mother teach them anything??"  Sadly, in many cases, she may have been the one setting the example.

Litter.  One of my biggest "pet peeves".  Although it irritates me to see it, I've found over the years it brings a certain amount of joy to my heart to pick it up and leave behind a prayer for the person who left it there in my path.  It may seem like a small effort, but I've always felt it better to be a part of the solution than the problem.  Which side of the issue do you find yourself on?  Hopefully this is one time I won't have to find myself saying a prayer for you! 


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