Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sing and Make Music

There was a gathering of believers in Crosby, North Dakota this evening.  It just so happened it took place in a Catholic church, but those who attended were also from the Assembly of God and Lutheran churches of the area.  There may have been other denominations represented, as well.  A number of years ago a woman in our community had a vision to create an ecumenical evening of sacred music to be held in the evening on Palm Sunday.  She recruited help from one of the pastors serving at the time, and now the service has become a tradition with hosting of the event on a rotation between the churches.

Being a person who enjoys music, it is always a blessing for me to hear what others have to share, as well as participate in providing music.  Tonight's concert did not disappoint, offering a well rounded variety of music.  Our "Music Makers" group, which provides entertainment at our local nursing home and assisted living center, presented two "oldies but goodies" from the hymn book. . ."I'll Fly Away" and "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow".  Our group includes those who play guitars, accordion, banjo, rhythm sticks and piano.  Ages of the members of the group range from the youngest in his 20's to the oldest in his 90's.  It is such a joy to see people continuing to share their talents even into their old age.

A young couple who moved to our community from the Philippines shared a song from their native country which was beautiful and we also heard from four other soloists.  Their selections varied and included a modern day contemporary praise song ("In Christ Alone"), a beautiful song from the 80's ("Written In Red"), a couple of Gaither favorites from the 70's ("Gentle Shepherd" and "God on the Mountain") and the traditional "Lord's Prayer".  A local pastor also shared a song about longing for a time when there would be no more fighting and hatred, but all would live in peace and harmony. . .we made great strides in getting there with our time together this evening!

Two other unique presentations included a woman who did sign language to the song "Amazing Grace" and an instrumental group known as "Cross Border Brass" who presented a medley of three spirituals.  Their name comes from the fact three of the members come from across the border in Canada.

The Bible has much to say about singing and making music.  One such passage is found in Ephesians 5:19

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.
Another favorite of mine is found in Psalm 100:1-2
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
Serve the LORD with gladness: 
come before His presence with singing.
Having been raised in one denomination and married into another, these ecumenical type gatherings are extra special to me.  It is also a reminder there is truly only one God we serve, and our redemption comes from the death and resurrection of the same Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit works within us all, even though our preference in worship style may vary.  At the start of Holy Week leading up to Easter, this evening of music filled our hearts and minds with a message of unity we can carry with us.  May you find it in your life, as well!



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