Sunday, April 17, 2016

Miracles from Heaven!

It has been a busy week-end.  Next month my mother-in-law will turn 85 and this was the week-end her children could be with her to celebrate. . .all ten of them!  Add in some spouses, grandchildren and great grandchildren and you have a group of about seventy people gathered to honor this wonderful matriarch of the family.

It may not have taken a miracle to get everyone there, but looking around the senior citizen center it was clear to see the miraculous way the family has multiplied over the years.  A short program allowed family members to share their talents to honor this special lady, and lots of good food was devoured.  Fellowship was at a premium, and it is safe to say a good time was had by all.

Today, with extended family all headed back home, the day was strangely quiet.  A nap in the afternoon was refreshing, and in the evening we headed up Main Street to the Dakota Theatre for a showing of the movie, "Miracles from Heaven".  It was nice to see parked cars lined on either side of the street as we approached and a larger than average crowd of attenders inside the theatre.

The story itself centers around a family from Texas dealing with a rare health issue in one of their three daughters.  In a strange turn of events, a three story fall into the hollow of a tree leaves her with only minor bruises and a complete healing of her rare disorder.  Later, in talking to her parents, she reveals she visited heaven and talked to God during her time in the tree prior to being rescued.

After their experience, the family wanted to share their story because it opened their eyes to the miracles all around them.  Sometimes, as in their case, people are on the receiving end of miracles and other times God uses us to be the miracle in the life of someone else.  

As we returned to our vehicle and started for home, the CD player was playing a Michael W. Smith album by the name of "Sovereign".  I didn't recall it even being on as we made our way to the theatre, but now the music touched my heart as it played a song entitled, "Miracle"!  What are the odds of that?  As the day ends, I find myself reflecting on the words of the song.  They suggest  we are all miracles in God's eyes as we allow Him to take away those things which leave us rebelling, restless, blind and out of control.  A simple cry for hope and God always finds a way to break the chains of sin and leave us with a miracle burning bright within us.

Take time to read through the lyrics, reflect, and if you have a chance, see the movie.  Be challenged to see the miracle of God's saving power at work in your life and open your eyes to see the miracles He has planted all around you.  When given the opportunity, be the miracle someone else needs in their life!

A rebel heart
A restless soul
I lost my sight
I lost control
A cry for hope
Could I be saved
You found a way
You found a way

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle
I am a miracle

The war was lost
Before Your blood
Before the cross
My shame no more
My curse no more
You made a way, yeah
You made a way

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle
I am a miracle

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
I once was lost
But now I'm found

Your miracle is burning bright in me
I was a slave, and now I'm free
I'm lifting high these broken chains
You always find a way
I am a miracle

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