Saturday, April 30, 2016

Down Memory Road

It was a beautiful evening, one which prompted me to include a short walk on my agenda.  Although I often follow the new sidewalk designed especially for walkers, tonight found me taking a bit of a detour down a favorite street of mine.  Dating back to high school days, this particular street always seemed to be included in our "cruising" times. 

The street layout of Crosby, ND is fairly basic.  Most intersections of streets and avenues cross at a basic 90 degree angle, although the north half of town lines up with the railroad tracks and the south half with the highway going through town, making somewhat of a "kink" in the middle.

This evening I found myself on the one unique street which follows a curve.  Just why this street ended up with a curve is beyond my scope of knowledge, but perhaps it has something to do with the railroad right of way which banks one side of the street.

As I started down the street, I snapped a picture and sent to my best friend from high school days.  She remains just as close (if not closer!) during this stage of life.  With the picture was a short message saying I was thinking of her and our drives down the street in days gone by.

Her reply was not what I expected.  The memory she had was driving in her dad's new car, and looking to avoid two particular young gentlemen.  On the other hand, my memory had me driving (not sure which car!) and continuing on to a street just north of the fairgrounds which had an interesting dip at the intersection.  You wanted to hit it fast enough to get a little thrill bump, but not too fast or the bottom of the car would get a scrape.

Later this evening I found myself once again reminiscing and wondered if somewhere in all of this there was a "God Lesson".  After all, it was Saturday and I was feeling like doing some seeking.  Asking God where the lesson might be, the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John came to mind.  All four men were friends of Jesus.  After the death, resurrection and ascension of their dear friend, each of them took a trip down memory road and, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded what we now refer to as "the Gospels".  Many of the same stories exist in all four of the memoirs, and yet each had their own unique perspective and some included incidents not documented by the others.

In conclusion, I found myself thankful for memories.  As wonderful as they are, it is also a good thing to have friends who can fill in the memories we may have forgotten.  I so appreciate the four unique perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which have been preserved over the years to continually inspire us with accounts of the "life and times of our Lord Jesus Christ".  Have you read them lately?  Their stories never grow old!

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