Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Contest Winner!

About two weeks ago there was an advertisement over Facebook to enter a writing contest.  As someone who enjoys writing, it caught my attention and I decided to look through some of my past devotional writings to find one which might be suitable to submit.  The one which caught my eye was originally written on May 29, 2010 and with some minor editing it qualified for the character count asked for in the contest.

The deadline for the contest was only a few days away, so I anxiously anticipated being notified over email of the results.  Not hearing anything on the days I had expected, I chalked it up to another "sorry, not this time" experience.

Then came the phone call.  A pleasant voice indicated she was from the publishing company behind the contest, and she was pleased to let me know I had taken second place.  Because of this, they were offering me one of their premium publishing packages, which normally would cost around $1,800.00.  My emotions ran from excitement to apprehension about the validity of the company.  For years I have prayed God would at some point allow me the opportunity to publish some of my writings.  Was this the means or was there a better way elsewhere?

After indicating she would email some materials outlining my winnings, she told me she would call me back in about a week to further discuss my options and answer any questions I might have.  Questions?  I was sure there were many I should ask, but wasn't familiar enough with the industry to know what to ask.  Thankfully, I knew of several people who had self-published in the past, so reached out for advice and was grateful to them for what they offered.

This morning the second call came through, and I now have a piece of paper with lots of jotted notes as to what the process entails and what to expect in results should a book actually materialize.  Again, I found myself asking God, "Is this the direction you want me to go?'

With my mind spinning, I picked up the little devotional book I recently acquired.  The name of the book is "Talk to Me, Jesus" by Marie Chapian.  Because of our busy week-end, I was several days behind, and began listening to what God had to say through the daily meditations.

These are some of the things Jesus was speaking to me in the readings:
. . .your life is enriched with many gifts.
I've given you talents to multiply, so you can be a channel of blessing.
I have many doors open for you.
I'm lifting you out of obscurity and guiding you with grace and integrity.
Think of yourself as a new person today, a person capable of great things.
I want to show you great and mighty things you haven't even considered.
When you call on Me, I answer you, but look at your requests.  Are your requests too small?
Finally I was caught up, and this was the message I found waiting for today:
It's time to prepare yourself.
Your future is in My hands,
and just beyond your sight
are wonderful things yet to come
which you don't know.
You won't have to wait long
or bake in the oven of transition forever;
I'm doing a work in you
that will withstand
the fiery darts of the devil.
Breathe in the power of My Word
and get ready for breakthrough!
Wow!  Deep breath!  Prayers asking for wisdom and discernment as to how to proceed.  Won't you join me in those prayers?  There will be another call from the publishing company in a week, and I was encouraged to pray about it and talk to family and friends.  (This particular company markets itself as a "Christian Publisher".)  I find myself quoting a passage my mother-in-law often shares:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge God,
and He will direct your path.
~Proverbs 3:5-6
Today I do trust in the Lord.  I'm asking Him to help me to lean on His understanding and not mine.  I also acknowledge any writing skills I have are only because of God, and it is for His glory I want them to be published.  So thankful He has promised to direct my path!


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