Sunday, May 1, 2016

Standing Corrected!

After sitting under the preaching of Dan Johnson today, I came to the realization there was error in what I had written last night.  In reference to the writers of the Gospel accounts, my indication was all four men were friends of Jesus.  As a part of Dan's message today, he included mentioning the fact Luke did not personally know Jesus.  Isn't it interesting how God works?

Doing some further research tonight, I found tradition credits Matthew and John, disciples of Jesus, with penning the books which bear their names.  On the other hand, Luke was a friend and companion of Paul, and a doctor also credited with being a great historian.  His knowledge of Jesus and pathway to salvation came through the witness of Paul.

Mark also had a "second hand" view of the Gospel, one which he received from his friend, Peter, who was one of the original disciples of Jesus.  Some suggest Mark was recruited to preserve Peter's memories during the time Peter was being held in prison.  The important thing to note about both Luke and Mark is their willingness to hear and pass on the "good news" they received about Jesus Christ.

As I stand corrected, there are a couple of lessons which stand out.  First off, there are times I work too hard to find a deeper meaning to record as a "seeking lesson".  Perhaps I need to bear in mind there are some things to share which don't necessarily have to include a spiritual application.

Secondly, although I have basically been a follower of Christ for as long as I can remember, there is still much I have to learn!  The key is remaining open to instruction and maintaining a willingness to stand corrected when necessary.

As if God knew all this would transpire, the devotional I read tonight was about removing from my mind all thoughts of failure.  Instead, what appears to be "failure" should be considered as one step further toward the goal of a high calling in Jesus.

Tonight I am thankful for men like Dan Johnson who carry with them a lifetime of Biblical knowledge and a willingness to share.  I'm thankful for a God who listens to my ramblings and then patiently works a way to bring out truth when error slips into the equation.  Mostly I am thankful for the preservation of the Gospel accounts over the years.

A passage of Scripture comes to mind:

But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him?
And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him?
And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?
And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?
That is why the Scriptures say,
"How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Good News!"
It seems there is a long line of "messengers" between those who first listened to Jesus and those of us who now call on His name to save us.  What a blessing to know God cared enough to keep the narrative going.  And don't forget to do your part to pass the message on. . .there are many who have not yet heard!

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