Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Unexpected Gift

Have you ever received an unexpected gift?  Each spring as blossoms appear on a small bush located at the corner of our house, I'm reminded of the fact we sometimes receive things we weren't expecting.  Triggering the memory is a small bush we first noticed two years ago, and each year we find it growing a bit larger.

Because it was not planted by us, we are not even sure what type of bush, or even perhaps tree, it is.  Since it is located just under a downspout, we are guessing it was gifted to us by the wind, or a bird and the added moisture in the area caused it to spout and grow.  If you recognize the blossoms as a particular variety, be sure to let us know!

Last year there was evidence of a few "fruits" starting to grow, but unfortunately the birds had them for a treat before we could figure out what they were!
How often in life do we receive unexpected gifts. . .or pass them on to someone else, for that matter.  Each spring, I am reminded of the importance of being grateful for these blessings, as well as initiating a few in the lives of those God has placed in my path.  It may be a loved one, or even someone yet a stranger.  Keep your "God eyes" open and look for opportunities to pass on the gifts God has so generously placed in your life.  They may be unexpected in the life of the recipient, but exactly what they need!
 Open my eyes that I may see
   wonderful things in Your law. . .
-Psalm 119:18 (NIV)

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