Thursday, September 28, 2017

Miles Upon Miles

Today the road took us to Williston for a "Celebration of Life" service honoring a dear friend.  Her life was cut short by our standards, but it was refreshing to hear her sons recount the many times her physical challenges gave opportunity to share the message of Jesus with those caring for her.  The church was full of family and friends, all who were in some way impacted by her life.

Our connection to her began during the time our daughter needed a place to live while doing her student teaching.  This woman and her family graciously offered to take her into their home, and it was during this time our now son-in-law came into the picture.  Although our friend claimed she never delved into the world of "match making," I can't help but think she did her part to insure our daughter found the perfect match.  For this I am eternally grateful!

Back home this evening I am putting together an overnight bag, as in the morning a group of ladies from our church will be headed down the highway to Bismarck for a Ladies Conference.  There will be two different speakers and lots of fellowship time with other women of faith.  My heart is already open to receive all God has in store for us.

From Bismarck, some of us will journey back to Williston for a Fall Fundraising Banquet at the Christian school our grandchildren attend.  I try not to think about the total number of miles covered in the course of three days, but instead am thankful for the opportunities there will be to hear from God and the plans He is placing before us.

Around my computer desk are multiple messages. . .special writings which at some point inspired my life.  It has actually been a long time since I've taken the time to read them.  Tonight, as I end my day, one in particular caught my eye, and I feel it would be fitting to share.  As we put on the miles this week-end, please keep us in your prayers!

Life is a miracle,
don't let it slip away.
Open your heart to others,
give of yourself each day.
See the beauty in everyone
Regardless of where they've been,
Some have a difficult journey
And really need a friend.
Share your gifts and talents
Listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about
But don't have time to start.
Pick a bouquet of flowers
Show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
Life is never fair.
Hold on to your courage
You may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
It could be a heavy load.
If you practice all these things
No matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain
But you'll never feel alone!
~Author Unknown

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