Friday, September 1, 2017

Of Flowers, Birds, and Butterflies

It has now been two weeks since my dear Aunt Mabel left this world.  It is an empty void for many, as her amazing life intersected with a host of people.  Her family has begun the process of sorting through her things, and I am thankful to say there are a few items which have found their way into my possession to remind me of her.  Not that a "thing" is required, but sometimes it is nice to have a piece of her world in mine.

Besides the things in her home, so much of nature brings her to mind, as well.  In particular, the top three reminders for me are flowers, birds, and butterflies.  She was a wealth of knowledge when it came to flowers and birds, and butterflies were her trademark symbol.  After her passing, my daughter gave me a little butterfly ornament with an oval containing the words, "If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies."  Losing Mabel was one change I could have done without, but thankfully we have the assurance through God's Word we will one day see her again!

Mabel's youngest child is my cousin, Susan.  We have had a close bond through the years, and it has been fun looking through pictures with her, and passing stories back and forth.  One story of particular interest involves a plant Susan purchased earlier this summer.  It was said to be a hibiscus plant, and was to produce red flowers, but even though the plant grew, no flowers appeared.  Susan had told her mom about the plant and they had discussed it on several occasions.  After Susan received the call from her brother relaying the news of their mother's death, Susan went out on her patio to shed some tears.  Lo, and behold, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of something red.  The hibiscus plant had begun to flower!  My first thought was seeing Mabel marching up to Jesus, and asking Him if He couldn't do something about Susan's plant.  Whatever the case, it has now been blooming!

For me, there have been almost daily visits from a little hummingbird in the backyard.  They come and go so quickly, it is hard to catch them, but it seems the timing has been such I have caught him among my flowers on many a morning when looking out my kitchen window.  On one particular day, I hadn't seen him.  Later in the evening, I decided to water the flower pots at our church on the next block, and sat down to do some deadheading of the spent blossoms at the same time.  Who decided to pay a quick visit?  My hummingbird friend!  I could imagine Mabel and her brother (my dad) arranging the chance meeting, which put a smile on my face, and a good dose of needed joy in my heart.

While visiting with my sister-in-law, she related taking her dog out for a walk on their farm shortly after Mabel's death.  She said the prettiest butterfly she had ever seen appeared, and danced through the air around her.  Reminders.  They are a good thing!

This brings me to this morning.  I have gotten in the habit of looking out the kitchen window in the morning to see if I can spot the hummingbird.  Today there was no hummingbird, but instead another beautiful butterfly.  Yes, things have changed here on earth, but Mabel memories and reminders abound.  Blessed be her memory!

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