Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Senses

Today I have been baking.  With an open house coming up in a couple of days, I wanted to have on hand some of the goodies I remember from Christmas in childhood days.  My first choice was to make ginger cookies, as I had seen a fun way to decorate them on Facebook.

As I stirred up the dough, the smell of the spices reached my nose, bringing me back in time to my mother's kitchen.  Rolling it into balls, and then in sugar activated the sense of touch, and also, as I looked down at my hands, made me see my mother's hands lovingly preparing Christmas goodies to share with friends and the bachelor men of our neighborhood. 

In the background, an Anne Murray Christmas CD was playing, bringing to mind memories with each song sung.  It made me thankful God gave us ears to enjoy the sounds around us.  Suddenly, it came to mind Christmas is a time when all the senses are activated.  Smell, touch, sight, sound.  The only one left is taste.  Once the cookies are cooled, I will get to appreciate the fifth sense.  Hopefully you can join me for the Christmas Open House on Thursday afternoon and sample some, too! 

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