Friday, December 15, 2017

Three Wise Women

It's the time of year we often read stories about three wise men who followed a star to find the Christ Child in Bethlehem.  Mind you, the Bible doesn't specifically say there were three wise men.  It only specifies they brought three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  It just works best to line up each gift with one wise man for the ease of casting Christmas programs and depicting Nativity scenes.

Today, however, I don't want to focus on three wise men, but instead on three wise women.  All were a part of my heritage, and all had a significant impact on my life.  And, coincidentally, they all had December birthdays.

The first was my mother's maternal grandmother.  I don't remember a lot about her, due to the fact I was only 11 years old when she passed away.  The things that come to mind are her visits to my grandmother's home, hearing them converse in Norwegian, and seeing the colorful pillows she knitted to pass the time. 

More of the lessons I gleaned from her life came after she passed away at the age of 101.  Coming across a newspaper article written for her 100th birthday, I found she had four things to which she attributed her long life.  These were keeping calm, taking things as they come, working hard, and staying close to God. 

She obviously passed this wisdom on to her children, as four of them lived past the age of 100, and two more into their 90's.  There were an amazing bunch, and naturally I feel my grandmother was the cream of the crop!  She was interviewed by our local paper for her 100th birthday, and gave these words of advice. . . ."Read the Word, and stick to it!"  So simple, and yet how many of us take the time to heed her wisdom?

My mother wasn't blessed with longevity like her mother and grandmother, as she died of a brain aneurism at the age of 68.  One piece of wisdom she left me was the encouragement to make every day one in which Jesus is invited in, striving to follow His example with our lives.

Doing the math, Great Grandma Christine would be 152 this year on the 13th, Grandma Ellen 121 on the 15th, and my mom, Della, 94 on the 30th.  Who knows if we continue to count birthdays when we get to heaven?  There is one thing for sure, however.   December is a great month to look back and remember the lives of these three wise women.  How blessed I am to have them in my bloodline!


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