Sunday, March 22, 2020

Blowing in the Wind

At the beginning of this year I signed on to a walking challenge, setting a goal of 10,000 steps a day.  On miserably cold days this winter, I was thankful for our local gymnastics building, which features a walking track.  Unfortunately, with the Corona Virus entering the picture, this option has been taken away.  I have learned it is possible to walk around the house to obtain this many steps, and it helps if you have someone to talk to on the phone while doing so.  Above all, however, I prefer to be in the great outdoors, soaking in the fresh air while I add up my steps.   

This week, on three different occasions I chose to walk the bypass which runs south of Crosby, ND.  Lots of wide open space was available, and it was certainly easy to "socially keep my distance", as we have been asked to do. 

Anyone who has ever lived in North Dakota knows about wind.  It seems to be the unchanging constant no matter what the season.  This past week was no different, and I found the wind either at my back, blowing in my face, or attempting to throw me off balance from the side.  Although we saw the official start to spring on the calendar, temperatures in the low 20's and "teens" were a reminder winter still wanted a role to play in our days.

Often, when faced with a windy day, I am reminded of a little chorus a former pastor taught us back in the 70's.  The words were as follows:

The wind is blowing again,
The wind is blowing again.
Just like in the days of Pentecost,
The wind is blowing again.

The winds of Pentecost referenced in this little song are those referred to in Acts 2.  According to the account we are given in the Bible, the followers of Christ were gathered together in one place during the time period shortly following the return of Jesus to heaven, after His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection.  Verse 2 gives a vivid description of what happened:

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind 
came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Accompanying the sound was a sight to behold. . .what seemed to be tongues of fire separated and came to rest on each of those present, and each began speaking in a language they had not learned.  All these things happened as a result of the Holy Spirit coming from heaven and filling these believers.  It must have been quite the experience!  The wind during my walks made me wonder if God's Holy Spirit isn't once again blowing around looking for a place to land!

The wind also made me think of my dad, who was a pilot who did aerial crop spraying.  Wind was a key factor as to when and where he could do his work.  He had to carefully observe how strong the wind was, and also the direction in which it was blowing, to determine if conditions were right to apply chemical to the field he was considering.  How many times, I wondered, did he just have to wait for the conditions to change, much as we are doing during this current Corona Virus season?

Today, the wind was still blowing, but the temperature had risen into the upper thirties.  What a difference those fifteen to twenty degrees made!  With the warmth of the sun shining down on me, I hardly noticed the wind, and had a much more enjoyable walk.  The lesson learned on my walk today was to simply keep my mind focused on the warmth of the "Son", while opening my heart and mind to the working of the "Holy Spirit" in and through whatever "God" blows our way!

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