Monday, March 30, 2020

Just Look Up!

For the past couple of months I haven't been feeding the birds in our yard as I usually do.  It got to a point where they were emptying the feeders faster than I could fill them, and I simply said, "Enough!"  They needed a lesson in not being so greedy, so the feeders came down. 

This week, I finally completed a homemade "birdseed wreath" and hung it where one of the feeders had been located, outside our dining room window.  A bit of compassion swept over me, and I rehung the other feeder in the backyard, filling it to the brim.

My thought was they would be so excited to see the food, and dive right in.  Wrong.  Not one bird paid any bit of attention to the fresh food in both locations.  Once in awhile I would spot some little sparrows pecking at the ground under the feeder.  Silly birds!  All they needed to do was look up, and they would discover an abundance of food.

This went on for several days, until today when one lonely bird found the food in the feeder.  And still no birds have shown any interest in my lovingly prepared birdseed wreath.  How unappreciative of them!  Didn't they know I really did care about them?  I also pondered how long it would take for the one bird to "spread the word" and bring in the rest of their flock.

In all of this, I found a spiritual lesson.  We are like the little birds, scurrying around, and looking for ways to meet our own needs here on planet earth.  What we don't realize is God has already provided for our every need, and all we need do is "Look Up!" 

Earlier this week, my Aunt Sue and I were talking about the old song, "His Eye is On the Sparrow" and it was another reminder of the fact God is watching over us through all of the uncertain days we are in.  These are the words to the song, written by Civilla D. Martin in 1905:
In Luke 21, we read of Jesus teaching His disciples about the signs of the "end of the age".  As the list goes, there will be wars and revolutions, as well as earthquakes, famines and pestilence.  Other things mentioned are persecution for believers, great distress in the land, fearful events, and signs in the sun, moon, and stars.  All the while He is telling about these things, He encourages the disciples not to worry but instead to "lift up your head, because your redemption is drawing near".

So, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed these days, just remember to "look up".  Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, and is interceding on our behalf until the day He is sent to return for His church.  Listen closely for the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking calm in the midst of confusion.  Trust, and believe God has both a purpose and a plan through all of this. 

In another passage, God reminds us how valuable we are to Him in comparison to the birds.  Keep this in mind next time you are tempted to worry!  And remember to be one of those who goes out to "spread the Word"!

"Look at the birds of the air;
they do not sow or reap or store away in bars,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying 
add a single hour to your life?"
Matthew 6:26-27 

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