Friday, April 3, 2020

Unexpected Blessings & Thumper Theology

Winter came back around this week, after the weather teased us with a taste of spring.  It is what usually happens in North Dakota this time of year.  A dusting of snow, and single digit temperatures made for a couple of indoor walking days for me.  Our church basement turned out to be a great place to pound out the steps, with my usually walking track closed.

Today the sun finally returned, and the temperature rose a bit, so after our pizza meal I decided to take an outdoor walk to finish up my daily steps before retiring with my husband for a movie date.  Upon returning home, I was blessed with a surprise on my doorstep.  A woman in our community makes her own vanilla, and she left me a container of it, along with some lemon almonds.  A deep whiff of the vanilla set my heart singing, as it reminded me of baking with my mother.  It was like a compounded blessing, and I am so thankful for her thoughtfulness!

As I thought about her "random act of kindness" it challenged me to think about what I could do to spread a little cheer during this time of isolation.  I would challenge you to do the same.  We each have ways of sharing. . .even from a distance. . .and all it takes is a bit of creativity.  Perhaps you can think of someone to call on the phone, or be old fashioned and write a letter.  Do you like to bake?  Mix up a batch of something, and share with your neighbor.  You can do as my friend did, and just leave it by the front door, or consider ringing someone's doorbell and backing up for a "six feet away" visit.

It has been interesting to see how creativity has made its way into the world of Facebook, too.  Suddenly there are all kinds of ideas of how to connect us better.  Whether it is listing jobs you used to have, or answering questions about your past, it is a way of getting to know one another.  Lately there has also been a virtual "I Spy" game going on where people are asked to share a picture from their album featuring a suggested color.  It gives you a peek into people's lives you perhaps wouldn't have under normal circumstances.  One thing isolation does is create in us a hunger for community.

Along with the fun games, however, there are also those continuing to post what they feel is wrong in the world.  I've learned long ago there are always two sides to every coin, and generally the same people band together behind each of the conflicting sides.  Generally, it is best to not get involved in a debate, but this week I ventured into shark filled waters trying to prove a point.  Instead of changing anyone's mind, it just created more negative comments.

It got me thinking about Thumper the bunny in the Disney movie "Bambie".  At one point he is quoted as saying his father told him, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all".  Perhaps the world would be a better place if we all adopted this way of thinking!

[For the advice coming straight from the bunny's mouth, follow this link: Thumper Quote]

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